举世闻名的“阿波罗13号”就因为CSM出了大问题而导致任务不得不提前终止,且宇航员差点在地球外头光荣了。 在这个小系列的前传中我们知道,CSM的论证其实早就开始了,并且在1961年11月随着“土星5号”确定了承包商。其构型为指令舱(Command Module,CM)与服务舱(Service Module,SM)的组合体。在原先的设计中,指令舱...
这个地方此时正在执行美国东部夏令时(UTC-4)。 经过了50余天的全面检查测试后,土星五号(SA-506)静静地伫立在发射架旁,旁边连接着的各种各样的管道依旧在不间断地为其加注燃料以及供电,从发射架上伸出一道廊桥,连接着“阿波罗11号”飞船,执行此次任务的乘员组将从这里进入飞船,踏上登月的旅程。 照片摄于7月11日...
The first step on the moon——旅人1969:月球46小时 The first step on the moon系列文章是纪念人类登月50周年所作总集,本篇为第七篇。 //本文多图预警 //本文多图预警 //本文多图预警,重要的事情说三遍 1969年7月20日,月球轨道。 起飞后3天21小时32分,(美国东部夏令时7月20日上午7时04分)地面...
The first step on the moon | 飘上月球的不朽之船·落月星舟 上回说到,在经历了一系列波折之后,NASA终于下定决心采用月球轨道交会对接(LOR)的方案。 三种登月方式:直接往返、地球轨道交会和月球轨道交会。来源:NASA 但很快他们就不得不面对一个问题:阿波罗飞船的设计一开始是根本就没考虑登月舱模块的(Lunar Ex...
Neil Armstrong, the first man to step on the moon, has come to the end of his life at the age of82. He made history on July 20, 1969 as the Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. He was 38 at the time of his historic(历史性的) walk and immediately became one of the most famous peopl...
1 Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon back on 21st July, 1969, 1 was one small step for man, but one giant leap for mankind, people have become accustomed 2 the idea of space travel. Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television, aware of 3 difficul...
India becomes the first country to land a spacecraft near the moon's South Pole. Russian authorities say Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin died in a plane crash. More than 1,000 people are still missing following catastrophic wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui....
47 years ago, Neil Armstrong took the first step on the moon — 17 photos show the Apollo 11 moon landing in unbelievable detailRebecca Harrington
几乎同时,一直与宇航员保持联系的天地通讯员查尔斯·杜克(Charles Duke,“阿波罗11号”候补宇航员,“阿波罗16号”登月舱驾驶员)也传达了飞行指挥员的指示:“我们继续!”(We're Go on that alarm. ) 同时,已经待命了很久的地面支持小组立刻开始查询1202号的报错原因,并很快查明,1202号告警的原因是:计算机过载。
Neil Armstrong,the first man to step on the moon,has come to the end of his life at the age of 82.He made history on July 20,1969 as the Apollo 11 landed on the Moon.He was 38 at the time of his historic(历史性的)walk and immediately became one of the most famous people on ...