Ss:Yes!ThepictureisthefirstfootprintleftbyahumanontheMoon. T:That'scorrect.Itisaveryfamousone.ItwasontheJuly20th,1969thatArmstrongfromAmericasteppedonthesurfaceoftheMoon.Andthecamerarecordedthemoment. Ss:That'sremarkable! T:That'strue.Picturescanalwaysremindusofmanypreciousmemories.Inthislesson,we'llle...
根据第1段Firstmanisapicturebook.IttellsthestoryofYangLiweiandhistriptospace.(《FirstMan》是一本讲述杨利伟及其太空之旅的图画书。)可知本文主要是分享一本关于太空英雄的好书,故选B。 《FirstMan》是一本讲述杨利伟及其太空之旅的图画书。杨利伟是中国首位进入太空的宇航员,38岁时乘坐神舟五号飞船前往太空。这本...
NG Picture Book 绘本图画书 NG 人文神话科普 收藏版 NG Little Kids First Big NG Education Catalogue Readers 国家地理分级读物 特色出版社 Usborne 出版社 DK 出版社 Nosy Crow 出版社 MBI启蒙书 Chronicle Twirl 法国艺术品牌 Barefoot 光脚丫出版社 Sourcebooks 幼儿STEM科普读物 Minedition 德国品牌出版社 Thames...
India becomes the first country to land a spacecraft near the moon's South Pole. Russian authorities say Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin died in a plane crash. More than 1,000 people are still missing following catastrophic wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui....
The taikonauts didn't take the day off for the festival as they have had to train for the next space walk. During a break, Shenzhou-14 commander Chen Dong had taken a picture of the moon on this festive day. "We can take pictures of the moon even in the daytime when we are in th...
根据第1段Firstmanisapicturebook.IttellsthestoryofYangLiweiandhistriptospace.(《FirstMan》是一本讲述杨利伟及其太空之旅的图画书。)可知本文主要是分享一本关于太空英雄的好书,故选B。 《FirstMan》是一本讲述杨利伟及其太空之旅的图画书。杨利伟是中国首位进入太空的宇航员,38岁时乘坐神舟五号飞船前往太空。这本...
writing(write) such a book. "There is a surprise in the book for readers - a picture of a rabbit looking at the moon," Wu says. “Chin a plans to send people to the moon by 2030. We hope to write nice picture books at that time." 相关知识点: ...
China has become the first country to successfully bring back samples from the far side of the moon, where missions are more complex because of its mountainous terrain.
The history of photography starts at the human scale, with the first picture of a face in 1838 and moves in both directions, culminating in the WMAP cosmic background radiation image in 2003 and the first complete image of a molecule in 2009....
》 03:14 “可是,她的眼睛里有一整片海”||《Picture of You》 03:22 “听完这首歌突然就释怀了”||《Exile》 04:34 “听不快不慢的歌 想不远不近的人”||《Setting Me Free》 03:08 “好活泼好可爱,充满果汁感的声音”||《SummerSweet》 02:31 “于是我们相爱 手心湿的像海”||《you!》 04...