First panoramic images of moon's far sidetaken快看!嫦娥四号发回来一组月表全景照2019-01-11 18:06:37 举报 0 分享至 截至1月11日8时,嫦娥四号着陆器、玉兔二号巡视器和“鹊桥”中继星状态稳定,各项工作按计划实施。着陆器上配置的地形地貌相机完成了环拍,科研人员根据“鹊桥”中继星传回的数据,制作...
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#23. The First Photo of the Far Side of the Moon China becamethe first country to soft-land a spacecraft on the far side of the Moonin January 2019. Shortly after landing, the Chang’e-4 probe beamed back this first photo ever captured of the “dark side of the Moon.” ...
New images show the first ever Earth-moon flyby, captured by The European Space Agency’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, or JUICE. Take a look, and find out why JUICE needs Earth’s gravity. Now Playing Amazing Images Of First Ever Earth-Moon Flyby00:37 Next Up Two Storms To Bring Snow...
moon_first_quarter_small uploaded in Lunar: One of the easiest astrophotos I ever took. I just pointed a digital camera into the eyepiece and snapped...
long baseline interferometry, precisely timed data from each radio telescope can be combined to produce images comparable to what an Earth-size dish would detect. The resulting virtual telescope has the highest resolution of any instrument ever built, capable of detecting a doughnut on the moon. ...
Using a telescope the size of the planet, astronomers have captured the first image of this space oddity. Here's why that matters.
Digital Geological Mapping of Sinus Iridum Area of the Moon Based on the Chang'E-I Data Based on the CCD images, IIM data and DEM data of China's lunar exploration project (Chang'E-I) and related processed and analytic results, an integrated s... X Ding,K Han,J Pang,... - 《Act...