Premise for my memoir: My first goal is to share with my family and friends how the faith in God of my late husband, Frank Coder, and I grew through problems and joys experienced while we both served small churches in Alaska (1975-1982) and while he taught school. He was a minister ...
While the place-name forms look Aramaic, they could have served at the time in Hebrew too, if there was constant interaction between the two languages." David Bivin ("Hebraisms in the New Testament," in Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and This is a digital offfprint for restricted use only...
Whereas ‘different from’ is understood by all. It doesn’t have to be explained. I have used it effectively all my life without the option of the others and ‘I find no fault’ in it. The only way I see the usage of the former two spreading( as you suggested) is if it forms p...
contemporary mushroomers (Swedishsommarkantarell). The species has generally been defined as a species in its own right in Sweden until recently, but nowadays, it is considered to be a variety,C. cibarius var. pallensor, as in Index Fungorum, just a synonym forC. cibarius. For Swedish ...
Premise for my memoir: My first goal is to share with my family and friends how the faith in God of my late husband, Frank Coder, and I grew through problems and joys experienced while we both served small churches in Alaska (1975-1982) and while he taught school. He was a minister ...