In any case, I completely agree with you (Stan) in one aspect. “Language serves us; we do not serve the language.” So many people think the reverse is true, but in fact, as long as your point gets across, it doesn’t matter how you say it. It only matters when you say someth...
2) Rental income under operating leases is hereby credited to the profit and loss account on a straight line basis over the lease terms. 营业租约之租金收入与租约期内以直线法在损益账中计入。 In this example, the translator doesn't render the meaning of the archaic word hereby, but use ancie...
and estimation are terminative productively but not terminative cognitively, just so thespecies expressaeof understanding are terminative productively but as produced serve only and further to provenate relations having objects as their termini. Thus, the characteristic of all thought (?species expressa...
government services, while in the late 2010s, the focus of evaluation moved to theactual use(hence the increasing frequency ofuse) and various aspects of theimpactof e-government initiatives. The latter trend is captured by our model by the terminfluence, which is often used as a synonym ...