The Imbalance Trilogy focuses on Team Avatar's adventures in Cranefish town, now an industrial hub due to the establishment of the Earthen Fire Industries by Lao Beifong, Toph's dad. Aang learns that the bender and non bender populations in the area have been at each other's throats for...
Long ago, the search results for “Avatar” were dominated by the cute little bald boy fromAvatar: The Last Airbender. Then, everything changed whenthe Na’vi Nationattacked. Still, the tide may turn again, because Nickelodeon revealed at San Diego Comic-Con today that the first ...
I recently started rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the first two episodes are so weird and bad that I’m amazed Nick gave the show a chance. It’s a good thing they did, though: ATLA was a watershed moment in Western children’s television. Producers and publishers have ...