The style of the series was made to appeal to Game of Thrones fans, which is an interesting direction to take an adaptation of a children's show — but millennials who grew up with ATLA will likely be interested in the more mature exploration of dark themes. Related: Netflix's Live-...
“In other news, sorry for the lack of updates on the live action adaptation of ATLA. It’s been a slow process, slower than expected. But VERY exciting things are in the works on the project… Hang in there. We’ll share some info as soon as we can. ⬇️ But the...
The live-action adaptation stars Gordon Cormier as Avatar Aang, along with Kiawentiio as Katara, Ian Ousley as Sokka and Dallas Liu as Prince Zuko. The series premieres February 22 on Netflix. Check out more of Serena's delightful ATLA fandom in the Tweets below—in...
Netflix’sAvatar: The Last Airbenderreveals that Joel Montgrand will be playing Hakoda in the live-action show. The upcoming series is an adaptation of the hit anime-inspired cartoon of the same name, following Avatar Aang (Gordon Cormier), Katara (Kiawentiio), and Sokka (Ian Ousley) as ...
With the newlive-action ATLA seriesarriving on Netflix next month, it's the perfect time to go back and rewatch the original series. If you don't have time for every episode, however, we've highlighted some of the bery best ones below. ...
Who should have done the ATLA intro? Iroh Kanna King Bumi Pakku Sokka Other 39 Votes in Poll IrohSokkaKataraPakkuBumi (King of Omashu)Kanna Firecat19·2/6/2024in General Have you thought about something? According to Bryke, Hama's best friend in the "Puppetmaster" flashbacks was Kanna, Kat...
Fans can see familiar faces in this first season of ATLA If you've been keeping up with the series and first-look images for this version of Avatar: The Last Airbender, you may have noticed a few fan favorites like Suki. Besides the main crew that includes Aang, Katara...
ATLAfan.katara·1/13/2022 I agree, as far as the more male avatar that could be because Wan was male, or it could just be that they decided to make more male avatars for these statues, there might have been more female avatars then males, but we won't know untill we know about...
How ATLA's Pai Sho Evolved into a Real Game Though the game, as depicted in the original series, bears resemblance to several real games — namely Go, Xiangqi, Chinese Checkers, and Pai Gow, from which it likely derives its name — Pai Sho was not formalized into a proper board game ...
It feels like there’s very little middle ground regarding live-action ATLA opinions. As for me, I enjoyed it. The special effects are visually stunning (especially Katara’s waterbending). The sets are expansive and gorgeous. It’s hard not to feel immersed in this world. Gordon Cormier ...