2020; Shahwan & Habib, 2020), we controlled for three variables: firm size (SIZE), which was measured by the natural logarithm of total assets; financial leverage (LEV), which was measured by dividing the DMU’s total
Family business ownership and cleaner production: Moderation by company size and family management Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 255, 2020, Article 120120 Johan Graafland Value creation in family firms: A model of fit Journal of Family Business Strategy, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 63-...
Next, in Model 3, we tested whether CEO internal locus of control; CEO structural power (indicated by CEO duality and CEO tenure); and the internal organizational factors of firm size, firm age, and resource availability moderate the relationship between CEO burnout and performance. Model 3 show...
VARIABLE DEFINITION AND OPERATIONALIZATION Variable Definition and Operationalization Dependent variable FV Firm value Moderating variable Tobin Q EM Earnings management Independent variable Discretionary accruals FP SIZE DM PER Firm performance Firm size Debt monitoring Growth ROA = Net income divided by the ...
Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics, while the definition of variables are provided in the Appendix. Table 2 Descriptive statistics of main variables Full size table 4 Estimation strategy We are interested in understanding the effect of cybersecurity breach on labour productivity and how this...
Table 1 Variable definition. Full size table Main results Summary statistics Table 2 gives the summary statistical data of our sample and lists the distribution of main variables. The average value of cultural inclusiveness index is 0.683 and the standard deviation is 0.324, indicating that there ar...
4b, we show the network spanned by the 32 plateau firms. Node size corresponds to the square root of strength; link colors correspond to the direct down-stream impact of the supplier on the buyer node (criticality), \(\Lambda ^\text {d}_{ij}\), (for the definition, see Methods ...
The cyclical component ct can then be simply obtained by subtracting the long-run trend tt from the local trend. We refer to the difference between the seasonally adjusted number of bankruptcies and the long-run trend as the excess mortality of firms. Note that, according to this definition, ...
β=1. These authors add “The larger the value of β [the smaller the value of the Malevergne et al. α0], the greater the relative size of a large firm (high ranked firm) as compared with a smaller firm (low ranked firm)”. Hoon et al. also provide intuition with the following...
In this paper the innovation definition employed is the one included in the Oslo Manual (OECD and Eurostat,2018): “A new or improved product or process (or combination thereof) that differs significantly from the unit’s previous products or processes and that has been made available to poten...