Size The natural logarithm of total assets State_PRisk The “jack-knifed” state-level PRisk. Specifically, for each firm-year, we compute the average firm-level political risk of all firms headquartered in the same state where the firm is located while leaving out the firm’s own political...
Next, in Model 3, we tested whether CEO internal locus of control; CEO structural power (indicated by CEO duality and CEO tenure); and the internal organizational factors of firm size, firm age, and resource availability moderate the relationship between CEO burnout and performance. Model 3 show...
Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics, while the definition of variables are provided in the Appendix. Table 2 Descriptive statistics of main variables Full size table 4 Estimation strategy We are interested in understanding the effect of cybersecurity breach on labour productivity and how this...
Family business ownership and cleaner production: Moderation by company size and family management Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 255, 2020, Article 120120 Johan Graafland Value creation in family firms: A model of fit Journal of Family Business Strategy, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 63-...
In this paper, we incorporate one of the basic organizational characteristics—firm size—into our analysis by using data from a nationwide sample survey of private enterprises. From the two dimensions of family control and family intension, this work reveals that the agency problem and the ...
The definition of leadership will change, with multiple tracks available. Some tracks will recognize and reward the efficient management of routine processes, while others, just as highly prized, will value the coaching and development of apprentices as they migrate from one role to another. We ...
VARIABLE DEFINITION AND OPERATIONALIZATION Variable Definition and Operationalization Dependent variable FV Firm value Moderating variable Tobin Q EM Earnings management Independent variable Discretionary accruals FP SIZE DM PER Firm performance Firm size Debt monitoring Growth ROA = Net income divided by the ...
Authors James Allen Advisory Partner, London James Root Partner, Hong Kong Andrew Schwedel Partner, New York Related Consulting Services People and Organization Strategy First published in abril 2017 Tags Bain Classic Firm of the Future People and Organization Strategy How We've Helped Clients A...
The paper aims to investigate the impact of corporate governance (CG) measures on firm performance and the role of managerial behavior on the relationship of corporate governance mechanisms and firm performance using a Chinese listed firm. This study use
The concept of reverse innovation related to FDI also opens up the opportunity to reach a better understanding of FDI asset-seeking strategies in emerging markets. In line with Dunning and Narula’s definition (1995) of this concept, we can suggest that MNCs from developed countries can guide ...