方法1:直接在谷歌插件商店下载安装 在线安装地址:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/take-webpage-screenshots/mcbpblocgmgfnpjjppndjkmgjaogfceg?hl=zh-CN 方法2:压缩包安装: 下载地址:FireShot压缩包(附在线安装访问工具)! 浏览器打开【扩展程序】,直接输入: chrome://extensions/ 一定要注意: 不是拖...
The software key will unlock FireShot Pro for Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Brave, Tor, Seamonkey, Vivaldi, Pale Moon, and Opera. In fact, most of the Chromium-based web browsers (like Yandex Browser, Brave, etc) are also supported. One software key can be used to ...
插件下载地址:chrome插件网 https://huajiakeji.com/photos/2017-09/74/download.html 下载之后是一个压缩包,将压缩包解压缩,找到里面的.crx文件 直接将.crx文件的后缀名改为.zip 利用解压缩软件,将这个.zip文件解压缩 打开下面的链接,将 Disabled 改为 enable chrome://flags/#extensions-on-chrome-urls 打开ch...
Awesome Screenshotis aChrome extensionthat can takeinstant imagesof the website you’re viewing. You can capture the total web page, the visible parts, or use the area tool to capture a specific area. Currently, the developers have discontinued it, but you can still download and use it. E...
"The Best Free Google Chrome Extension" by PCMAG.COM. ### What you can do with FireShot: ✓ Capture full web pages entirely ✓ Capture only visible part of the page ✓ Capture selection ✓ Save screenshot to disk as PDF (with links), PNG, and JPEG ...
简介: chrome插件 chrome插件介绍: 在chrome的应用商店(https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions?hl=zh-CN)为chrome提供了很多额外的插件,方便我们日常的的生活与使用,本文主要介绍两个比较有用的插件 1. charset(字符集插件):插件主要作用为:为我们在查看网页的时候,提供编码选择。 2. FireShot(...
FireShot for Google Chrome - Windows 8 Downloads FireShot for Google Chrome for Windows 8 download Please wait ... Download will start in a few seconds. Mirror download 1 FireShot for Google Chrome website FireShot for Google Chrome details Report broken link...
2.在打开的谷歌浏览器的扩展管理器最左侧选择扩展程序或直接输入:chrome://extensions/ 3.找到自己已经下载好的Chrome离线安装文件xxx.crx,然后将其从资源管理器中拖动到Chrome的扩展管理界面中,这时候用户会发现在扩展管理器的中央部分中会多出一个”拖动以安装“的插件按钮。 4.松开鼠标就可以把当前正在拖动的插件...
FireShot Crx File 2.1.1 for Chrome (Latest Version) You are about to download theFireShot 2.1.1 Extension crx file for Chrome v114 and up: Take Webpage Screenshots Entirely - FireShot, Take FULL webpage screenshots. Capture, edit and save them to PDF/JPEG/GIF/PNG, upload, print, send...
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/take-webpage-screenshots/mcbpblocgmgfnpjjppndjkmgjaogfceg[2] 小结: 总体来讲, FireShot是一款不错的软件, 免费且功能够用, 滚动截图的功能比同类软件做的都要好 本系列已在Github开源的文章: • 001《markdown-here》 Markdown一键转换到"富文本格式"[3] ...