* NEW: send screenshots directly to Gmail. "The Best Free Google Chrome Extension" by PCMAG.COM. ### What you can do with FireShot: ✓ Capture full web pages entirely ✓ Capture only visible part of the page ✓ Capture selection ✓ Save screenshot to disk as PDF (with links),...
Awesome Screenshotis aChrome extensionthat can takeinstant imagesof the website you’re viewing. You can capture the total web page, the visible parts, or use the area tool to capture a specific area. Currently, the developers have discontinued it, but you can still download and use it. E...
You are about to download theFireShot 2.1.1 Extension crx file for Chrome v114 and up: Take Webpage Screenshots Entirely - FireShot, Take FULL webpage screenshots. Capture, edit and save them to PDF/JPEG/GIF/PNG, upload, print, send to OneNote, clipboard or email. ... The offline &...
FireShot is a 5-star extension with more than 40,000 reviews on the Google Chrome Web Store! 大田憲司 3 hours ago 必要十分な機能で満足です。 Damien Baczkiewicz 5 hours ago Pratique, rapide, efficace ! Pedro Luis Caicedo 6 hours ago Excelente herramienta, recomendadísima Ernie Viveir...
Location: C:\Users\agall\Downloads\fireshot-chrome-plugin (1).exe With command: 3 Using folder for deployment: C:\Users\agall\AppData\Roaming\FireShot Created directory with result: 1 Copying myself... *** Error: Failed to copy new executable to the deployment folder. Exit...
捕捉网页截图 - FireShot的 - Chrome 应用商店,捕捉网页截图 - FireShot的 - Chrome 应用商店, 捕捉网页截图,编辑并将它们保存为PDF,JPEG,GIF,PNG或BMP;上传,打印,在Photoshop中打开,复制到剪贴板或电子邮件
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FireShot 是 Chrome 瀏覽器的擴充功能套件,可以一鍵擷取畫面,擷取之後可以儲存成 PNG 或 JPG 檔案,也可以儲存成 PDF 檔案或直接以 Email 寄送。 Price Currency:TWD Operating System:Chrome Application Category:UtilitiesApplication Editor's Rating: 5
Keywords: webpage snapshot, create snapshot, software review, screenshot tool, web capture, Google Chrome, FireShot, Firefox, extension, Firefox extension, browser extension, Getfireshot, image annotation, snapshot Author: Getfireshot Author URL: https://getfireshot.com/Download...
FireShot for Google Chrome 1.10.05Keywords Firefox extension webpage snapshot create snapshot Firefox extension snapshot FireShot for Google Chrome 1.10.05Bookmark Hyperlink code: Hyperlink and Intro code: Hyperlink for Forum code: FireShot for Google Chrome 1.10.05Free Download Notice ...