PS4, PS5 发售日期: 5/12/2022 发行商: astragon Entertainment GmbH 游戏类型: 模拟 语音: 英语 屏幕语言: 俄语, 土耳其语, 德语, 意大利语, 日语, 法语(法国), 波兰语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语, 葡萄牙语(巴西), 西班牙语, 韩语 要在PS5上游玩此游戏,系统需要更新到最新的系统软件。虽然此游戏可在...
Con Firefighting Simulator: The Squad, podrás formar parte del equipo de bomberos de una gran ciudad estadounidense y experimentar lo que se siente al luchar contra el fuego.Enciende la sirena de tu camión de bomberos, coge la manguera y lucha contra incendios realistas para salvar vidas. ...
Fire alert incoming With Firefighting Simulator-The Squad, you can become part of a major US citys firefighting team and experience how it feels to fight fires. Start the siren of your fire truck, grab your hose, and fight realistic fires to save lives.
With Firefighting Simulator-The Squad, you can become part of a major US city's firefighting team and experience how it feels to fight fires. Start the siren of your fire truck, grab your hose, and fight realistic fires to save lives. Discover over 40 diverse deployment locations spread ...
290 0 36:00 App ps4中文_858_hackG.U. 最后编码..hackG.U. Last Recode 232 0 50:55 App ps4中文_157_如龙:极2.Yakuza Kiwami 2 92 0 07:44 App ps4中文_748_天天 把玩控制器 227 0 09:12 App ps4中文_503_幽灵行者.Ghostrunner 311 0 10:51 App NS中文_01_超级炸弹人R.Super Bomberman...
PS4上的《模拟消防英豪(Firefighting Simulator - The Squad)》中文版已经更新至1.10版本!这款游戏是一款非常逼真的消防模拟游戏,它为玩家提供了丰富多样的任务挑战和真实的游戏体验。无论玩家是消防爱好者还是喜欢模拟游戏的玩家,都能在这个游戏中找到乐趣和挑战。你准备好迎接火灾救援的挑战了吗?快来加入消防队伍,拯...
Firefighting Simulator - The Squad PS4™ & PS5™ (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 繁體中文, 日文) 全球玩家的評分 2106個評分 44% 12% 13% 8% 22% 遊戲和法律資訊 收到火警通報!在《Firefighting Simulator-The Squad》中,你可以加入美國大都市的消防隊,感受撲滅火勢的體驗。
Firefighting Simulator - The Squad PS4™ & PS5™ Global player ratings 3.49Average rating 3.49 stars out of 5 stars from 2046 ratings 2046 ratings 45% 12% 13% 8% 22% Game and Legal Info Fire alert incoming! With Firefighting Simulator-The Squad, you can become part of a major US ci...
Fire alert incoming With Firefighting Simulator-The Squad, you can become part of a major US citys firefighting team and experience how it feels to fight fires. Start the siren of your fire truck, grab your hose, and fight realistic fires to save lives.
ps4中文_1029_曼岛TT赛事:边缘竞速2.TT Isle of Man Ride on the Edge 2 24:52 ps4中文_1030_侍道外传:刀神.KATANA KAMI A Way of the Samurai Story 26:58 ps4中文_1031_一拳超人:无名英雄.One Punch Man A Hero Nobody Knows 16:03 ps4中文_1032_小偷模拟器.Thief Simulator 12:08 ps4...