Fire alert incoming With Firefighting Simulator-The Squad, you can become part of a major US citys firefighting team and experience how it feels to fight fires. Start the siren of your fire truck, grab your hose, and fight realistic fires to save lives
With Firefighting Simulator-The Squad, you can become part of a major US city's firefighting team and experience how it feels to fight fires. Start the siren of your fire truck, grab your hose, and fight realistic fires to save lives. Discover over 30 diverse deployment locations spread acro...
¡Alerta de incendio Con Firefighting Simulator The Squad, podrás formar parte del equipo de bomberos de una gran ciudad estadounidense y experimentar lo que se siente al luchar contra el fuego. Enciende la sirena de tu camión de bomberos, coge la ma
Firefighting Simulator - The SquadNewslettersubscribe now buy nowonnintendo switch™ 1 2 3 Being a firefighter is not simply a job like any other. It is a calling! Firefighting Simulator lets you experience what it means to fight fires up close as an active part of a major US city's ...
收到火警通報!在《Firefighting Simulator-The Squad》中,你可以加入美國大都市的消防隊,感受撲滅火勢的體驗。
Firefighting Simulator - The Squad 《模拟消防英豪》让你能够体验到身为美国一大重要城市的消防队一员,积极勇敢对抗火灾的意义所在 — 你既可以在合作多人游戏中与最多三位好友协力完成,也可以畅玩单人游戏模式。 最近评测: 多半好评(49) 全部评测: 特别好评(3,972)...
Firefighting Simulator - The Squad Slide 1 of 8 This is a modal window. No supported media sources Next upNext up: This is a modal window. No supported media sources Next upNext up: Mild Violence Users Interact Nintendo Switch Select a product ...
Angst Das Spiel erfordert ein Online-Multiplayer-Abonnement, um es auf der Konsole zu spielen (Game Pass Core oder Ultimate, separat erhältlich). Galerie Beschreibung Feueralarm! Mit Firefighting Simulator – The Squad kannst du zu einem Mitglied der Feuerwehr einer US-Großstadt werden und...
支持远程游玩 PS5版本 支持震动功能(DualSense无线控制器) 令人恐惧的内容 用户互动 评级 Firefighting Simulator - The Squad PS4™ & PS5™ (日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语) 全球玩家评价 3.53平均评价3.53颗星(满分5颗星,1672个评价) 1672个评价 ...
Fire alert incoming With Firefighting Simulator-The Squad, you can become part of a major US citys firefighting team and experience how it feels to fight fires. Start the siren of your fire truck, grab your hose, and fight realistic fires to save lives.