从React Native访问Firebase中的数据,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保已经在Firebase控制台创建了一个项目,并且已经启用了Firebase数据库服务。 2. 在Re...
The library depends on `com.google.android.gms:play-services-auth`, as seen in [build.gradle](https://github.com/react-native-community/google-signin/blob/master/android/build.gradle). If needed, you may control their versions by the `ext` closure, as seen in the code snippet above....
React Native是一种基于JavaScript的开源框架,用于构建跨平台移动应用程序。它允许开发人员使用相同的代码库来创建适用于iOS和Android平台的应用程序。React Native通过使用原生组件和JavaScript之间的桥接,实现了高效的性能和用户体验。 React Native Firebase是一个用于React Native应用程序的开源库,它提供了与Firebase后端服务...
React Native Firebase Docs This repoistory contains the documentation for the RNFirebase documenatation. Internal Links Along with the normal markdown linking ([text](link)), the following markdown can also be used to make linking easier around the site: ref Creates a link to a module referen...
React Native Firebase is a JavaScript library that enables seamless integration of Firebase services into React Native applications for cross-platform development.
您必须将auth作为参数发送,但不要导入它,而应使用示例中所示的const auth = getAuth()
React Native Firebase - Firebase Crashlytics is a lightweight, realtime crash reporter that helps you track, prioritize, and fix stability issues that erode your app quality. React Native Firebase provides automatic crash reporting for both native and Ja
Now, let’s create a new React Native project called “rnFirebaseDemo”: react-nativeinitrnFirebaseDemo When the above command is done running, traverse into the project directory usingcd rnFirebaseDemo. Now, let’s check if everything is working correctly and our React Native application has ...
React Native之通知栏消息提示(android) 一,需求分析与概述 1.1,推送作为手机应用的基本功能,是手机应用的重要部分,如果自己实现一套推送系统费时费力,所以大部分的应用都会选择使用第三方的推送服务,如极光推送。 1.2,jpush-react-native是极光推送官方开发的 React Native 版本插件,可以快速集成推送功能。现在最新版本...