Package no longer supported. Contact Support at for more info. react-native-firebase 5.6.0•Public• Published5 years ago React Native Firebase Version 6 of React Native Firebase React Native Firebase v6 is out!It lives under a different package namespace. Wan...
FirebaseUI Auth provides a drop-in auth solution that handles the UI flows for signing in users with email addresses and passwords, and Identity Provider Sign In using Google, Facebook and others. It is built on top of Firebase Auth. Installation and Usage For an example on how to use the...
react-native-firebase_messaging尚未在project.ext.'react-native'中定义默认值 、、、 我正在使用@react-native-firebase/messaging。当我尝试在android中运行该项目时,它返回错误 :react-native-firebase_messaging has not defined a default in project.ext.'react-native'.versions.andro...
我正在尝试让谷歌OAuth与Firebase和React Native一起工作,但似乎不能让所有东西都在一起工作。我正在使用NPM包react-native-google-signin来处理Google OAuth方面的事情,并且工作正常。然而,我遇到了一个让用户通过Firebase进行身份验证的问题。 我已经根据Web Guide中的说明在我的Firebase实例上启用了Google身份验证。但是...
React Native Firebase is a JavaScript library that enables seamless integration of Firebase services into React Native applications for cross-platform development.
React Native is distributed as two npm packages,react-native-cli, andreact-native. We are going to use thereact-native-clito generate an app. Begin by installingreact-native-cli: npm install-s react-native-cli Now, let’s create a new React Native project called “rnFirebaseDemo”: ...
Issue I just updated my firebase packages and noticed two regrations from the version of @react-native-firebase/auth 9.3.2 to version 9.3.5. To put it in context, it is an authentication by phone number, on an Android device. 1 - When se...
React Native Firebase 库也提供了一种通过 FCM 在iOS上发送推送通知的方法。可以从Node.js服务器通过firebase-admin和node-apn向注册的移动设备发送远程通知 Expo推送通知和其他云服务 FCM和APNs都是特定平台的原生推送通知服务。如果我们直接使用这些原生推送通知服务,我们通常需要在应用的前端和后端使用不同的库。
react-native-screens installed. However when I built my app, I ended up getting this error. I recently converted topnpmand read react-native does not support symlinks so I added a configuration to flat out the node_modules without any. (more thishere) ...
Firebase Auth Auth0 AWS Cognito 后端 随着React 在服务端的应用日益普及,像 Next.js、Astro 或 Remix 这样的元框架成为了 React 项目的理想选择。这些框架提供了构建全栈应用所需的一切,同时充分发挥了React的优势。 如果由于某些原因无法使用全栈框架,但仍然希望使用 JavaScript 或 TypeScript,那么可以考虑使用 tRPC...