CA Firearm Safety Exam prep Are you looking to obtain your firearm safety certificate so that you can purchase a firearm in California? This course will walk you through all of the information that you will be tested on. MORE INFORMATION REGISTER NOW Online firearm safety course Our familiar...
CA Firearm Safety Exam prep Are you looking to obtain your firearm safety certificate so that you can purchase a firearm in California? This course will walk you through all of the information that you will be tested on. MORE INFORMATION ...
Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC) In California prior to purchasing a firearm you must have a valid Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC). We do administer the FSC test on site. There is no appointment needed for your FSC examination. Now is the time for your ccw ...
CA DOJ Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC) Instructor Course CalGunsTraining Recognized by California DOJ as providing firearms safety training comparable to the entities specified by Penal Code section 12804(j) ONSITE TRAINING Train your personnel at your location ALL in one day Sporting Goods ...
Do I need to take the Massachusetts course (Basic Firearms Safety Course) first? Does Rhode Island Require A Shooting Test? Legal Questions: Do I need to be a US Citizen? Do I need to be a resident in the states I want my license?
†California, Health and Safety Code amendments, 1997-1998, chapter 735, statutes of 1998.
Max’s effective methods and tactics, coupled with a strong safety focus, will result in a high degree of uniformity across your agency. The common feature across all DAG/TFTT training is a core philosophy that will change your agency’s firearms culture for the better.” John M. Ray, ...
Tax payers should be outraged by the expense of the many laws and regulations that purport to provide better public safety from firearm abuse. Additionally, thanks to sometimes contradictory regulations and rules, even law enforcement has difficulty in the ultimate goal of making the public safer. ...
2.1.4. California drug offenses Certain felonyCalifornia drug offensescarry anincreased enhancementunder Penal Code 12022. These include (but are not limited to) violations of: Health and Safety Code 11351 HS, California’s “drug possession for sale” law, and ...
Firearm ownership and acquisition in California: findings from the 2018 California Safety and Well-being SurveyObjective To describe the prevalence of and factors associated with firearm ownership; the types, subtypes and quantity of firearms owned; and when, where and why firearms were acquired in ...