Tax payers should be outraged by the expense of the many laws and regulations that purport to provide better public safety from firearm abuse. Additionally, thanks to sometimes contradictory regulations and rules, even law enforcement has difficulty in the ultimate goal of making the public safer. ...
ONSITE TRAINING CA DOJ Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC) Instructor Course - Recognized DOJ comparable training entities PC 12804(j)- NRA & DOJ Certified Instructor | CalGunsTraining
Methods This was a cross-sectional survey study using data from the 2020 California Safety and Wellbeing Survey, a statewide survey on firearm ownership and exposure to violence and its consequences. The survey was designed by the University of California Firearm Violence Research Center and the Vio...
Sanchez said those previous prohibitions justified the restrictions placed on John Thomas Fencl and Jesus Perez-Garcia, defendants in California whose challenges to the law were consolidated in Monday's order. "Here, the historical evidence, when considered as a whole, shows a long an...
National Rifle Association, A Parent's Guide to Firearm Safety. Reston, Va National Rifle Association1995; 25. Rosenberg MLO'Carroll PWPowell KE Let's be clear: violence is a public health problem. JAMA. 1992;2673071- 3072ArticleGoogle ScholarCrossref 26. Goldberg BWvon Borstel ERDennis LK...
Conclusion This study provides the most detailed and up-to-date information available on firearm ownership and acquisition in California. Results can inform firearm violence prevention efforts and public health, safety and policy development in California and nationally....
†California, Health and Safety Code amendments, 1997-1998, chapter 735, statutes of 1998.
Abstract Importance Increased understanding of public response to mass shootings could guide public health planning regarding firearms. Objectives To test the hypothesis that mass shootings are associated with gun purchasing in the United States and to determine factors associated with gun purchasing changes...
From a public health perspective, of course, the solution is tight regulatory control over firearms, including rigorous background checks, safety rules, and the types of firearms permitted. Here are 4 reforms to keep us safer: Dedicate Federal Funding for Firearms Research ...
While primary care screening for firearm ownership and safety has been widely advocated,33 such screening may pose particular challenges in relation to mental health. For example, a qualitative study of 37 individuals with depression identified a range of concerns related to firearm screening34—in ...