尽管pruning在三种后门攻击上是成功的,文章设计了更强大的pruning-aware攻击(将clean和backdoor behavior集中到同样的神经元上),这可以规避Pruning防御。 最后为了防御这种pruning-aware攻击,文章设计了防御方案,可以执行fine-tuning,这是在干净的训练集上进行一小部分的局部重训练。尽管fine-tuning提供了一定程度的保护,文...
transitory pruning 初步修剪 renewal pruning 更新修剪 相似单词 pruning n. 1.修剪;删除 2.(常复数)剪下的残枝 fine adj. 1. 美好的,优秀的,优良的,杰出的 2. 纤细的 3. 细致的;细微的 4. 晴朗的,无雨的 5. 健康的,舒适的 6. 过分夸饰的,炫耀的 7. 可怕的,糟透的 8. self pruning 自己...
【读书笔记】Fine-Pruning: Joint Fine-Tuning and Compression of a Convolutional Network with Bayesian Optimization 继续分享模型轻量化的文章,本文主要提出一种同时做fine-tuning和压缩预训练模型的方法。 本文主要的创新点如下: 1. Fine-pruning通过联合fine-tuning和压缩预训练网络来获得针对目标领域的轻量化网络...
"Liu, Kang, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, and Siddharth Garg. "Fine-pruning: Defending against backdooring attacks on deep neural networks." Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses: 21st International Symposium, RAID 2018, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 10-12, 2018, Proceedings 21. Springer ...
K. Liu, B. Dolan-Gavitt, and S. Garg, "Fine-pruning: Defending against backdooring attacks on deep neural networks," in Proc. of RAID, 2018.Liu, K., Dolan-Gavitt, B., Garg, S.: Fine-pruning: Defending against backdooring attacks on deep neural networks. Lecture Notes in Computer ...
We implement three backdoor attacks from prior work and use them to investigate two promising defenses, pruning and fine-tuning. We show that neither, by itself, is sufficient to defend against sophisticated attackers. We then evaluate fine-pruning, a combination of pruning and fine-tuning, and...
4.3Data Fine-Pruning In each window, the algorithm records the data losses and count their correspondingDroppingCount. The window size is set according to the changes in learning rate. The windows size is set to a factor of the duration (number of epochs) of the learning rate (e.g., if...
In the literature, pruning typically follows a standard procedure: train the network, remove unwanted structure (pruning), and train the resulting network further to recover accuracy (fine-tuning). In this paper, we explore an alternative to fine-tuning: rewinding. Rather than continuing to train...
您好,我想請教一下 我使用 prune.py 做剪枝後的 mAP 是 0.72 但是我將他 fine-tune 時,mAP 下降到幾乎為 0 了,請問是哪邊有錯誤嗎? 謝謝。 我執行的指令如下: python train.py --cfg ../prune_0.1_Person_detection/prune_0.1_cfg/prune_0.1_yolov4-tiny-obj.cfg --weigh
Replacement blade for pruning saw with blade 275 mm 313715∗€ 12.40 Thanks to the fine tooth pitch and low set, this model is specially designed for very clean cuts on fruit trees. BladelengthBladewidthBladethicknessKerfPitchCodePrice 240 mm 33 mm 0,7 mm 0,9 mm 2,4 mm (11 TPI) ...