设计了一种新的pruning-aware后门攻击,不像之前的攻击,该攻击确保干净的和带后门输入激活相同部分的神经元,从而使后门更难检测; 提出、实现和评估了fine-pruning防御方法(结合pruning和fine-tuning),它可以有效削弱或者消除后门攻击,在一些例子中可以实现攻击成功率为0%,而良性输入的准确率下降只有0.4%。 Introduction ...
【读书笔记】Fine-Pruning: Joint Fine-Tuning and Compression of a Convolutional Network with Bayesian Optimization 继续分享模型轻量化的文章,本文主要提出一种同时做fine-tuning和压缩预训练模型的方法。 本文主要的创新点如下: 1. Fine-pruning通过联合fine-tuning和压缩预训练网络来获得针对目标领域的轻量化网络...
high pruning 修高枝 shape pruning 成型修剪 spur pruning 短枝修剪 transitory pruning 初步修剪 renewal pruning 更新修剪 相似单词 pruning n. 1.修剪;删除 2.(常复数)剪下的残枝 fine adj. 1. 美好的,优秀的,优良的,杰出的 2. 纤细的 3. 细致的;细微的 4. 晴朗的,无雨的 5. 健康的,舒适...
fine pruning 精剪相关短语 spring bed (剪毛机的) 弹性托板 keeping the centre of tree open (剪树) 使中间透光 snap shears (剪切钢材前端) 快速飞剪 相关阅读 便捷的介词用法大全 悲伤时你该说些什么 too和enough该怎么用 7招教你做好笔记 经验分享:你的四六级备考姿势对了吗? 常用英语 ...
"Liu, Kang, Brendan Dolan-Gavitt, and Siddharth Garg. "Fine-pruning: Defending against backdooring attacks on deep neural networks." Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses: 21st International Symposium, RAID 2018, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 10-12, 2018, Proceedings 21. Springer ...
Fine-pruning your shrubs // For best growth, cut back nowSUSAN MCCLURE
微调 We do not try to fine-tune the economy on the basis of short-term predictions. 我们不会根据短期预测而试图对经济作微调。 英英释义 fine-tune['fain'tju:niŋ] v. 1 improve or perfect by pruning or polishing 同义词: polish / refine / down 2 adjust finely fine-tune the engine...
2. 方法不同:Adapter引入了额外的参数模块,Diff-pruning则通过L0范数约束参数更新量,而Child-Tuning不需要额外的新模块,只需要在模型内识别确定Child Network即可;3. 效果不同:Adapter跟Diff-pruning仅仅取得的效果与原模型相当/可比,而Child-Tuning则明显提升了模型在下游任务中的表现。点评:分别从“动机->...
因此,TransTailor: Pruning the Pre-trained Model for Improved Transfer Learning(AAAI 2021)提出了一种在Finetune阶段动态剪枝的方法,实现Finetune阶段不仅能够调整模型参数,还能调整模型网络结构。该方法分为Target-aware Pruning和Importance-aware Finetuning两个阶段。在Target-aware Pruning阶段,对于网络中每一层的...
Yang et al. LaCo: Large Language Model Pruning via Layer Collaps. 2024.[arxiv] Bhardwaj et al. Language Models are Homer Simpson! Safety Re-Alignment of Fine-tuned Language Models through Task Arithmetic. 2024.[arxiv] Yang et al. Enhancing Empathetic Response Generation by Augmenting LLMs wit...