I have a vector y=[6 8 10 9 11 31] x=[1 2 3 4 5 6] how to find at what x the first maximum value of y occured and the second maxima 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 이 질문에 답변하려면 로그인하십시오....
If you have the image processing toolbox, define your axes, x and y, them display your image with say imagesc(x,y,img); Then,
It's a great crack, but essentially I can't sort the values, because then the months are split up. Here's an example result of your code:
It does find that it is in column 14. The code does not work for n = 45, in which case the double array A(45).a has 7 rows and R(45).r = [39;48;49;120;122;142;152] which is meaningless considering that the maximum number of columns of the double array contained...
Suboptimal channel estimation protocols in turn impedes us from realizing the maximum potential of quantum sensors. Unfortunately, there is no systematic way to find the best probe state efficiently. Typical approaches in the optimization of the probe state in channel estimation entail a two-step ...
matlab solve games for multiplying integers ratios ks2 worksheet solving cubed formulas 5th grade divisibility rules lesson plans pre algebra answer generator fifth grade algebra order of operation how to solve for minimum and maximum calculator double angle formula solvers 2-2 solving ...
In this article, we'll first study types of noise and then try to eliminate them by filtering the data. Finally, we'll try to find peaks in that data. Learn more about types of noise in data, how to smooth it, and how to identify maximums in the noise. ...
[m1,m2] = matchbycorrelation(im1, [r1';c1'], im2, [r2';c2'], w, dmax); % Display putative matches show(im1,3), set(3,'name','Putative matches'), hold on for n = 1:length(m1); line([m1(2,n) m2(2,n)], [m1(1,n) m2(1,n)]) ...
%Finde Frame in x-Variable mit Ende Aufwärtsbewegung (def als Maximum) [~, x_max_box] = findpeaks(box_z, ... MinPeakDistance = 1000, MinPeakHeight = 300);%for-Schleife um Matrix mit Spaltenvektoren als Zeit %zwischen Maxima (zugehörige x-Werte)...
Wow, i think your suggestions worked! I don't really understand why the syntax I used was wrong. I understand that my quadratic function was incomplete. But the second part about crit_pt is confusing to me. Thank you. More specifically, i would like to know why CP =...