We can find anunknown anglein aright-angled triangle, as long as we know the lengths oftwo of its sides. Example The ladder leans against a wall as shown. What is theanglebetween the ladder and the wall? The answer is to useSine, Cosine or Tangent!
s size can be varied during the analysis to evaluate the effect of agent size on the performance. To enhance the comparability of the robotic system to the biological role model, flying insects, we normalised all distance measures by dividing them by the chosen robot’s size of 30 × ...
若我们知道 直角三角形 两条边的长度,我们便可以求三角形的未知角度。例子梯子搁在墙上,如图。梯子与墙之间的 角度 是多少?我们可以用 正弦、余弦或正切来做!但应该用哪个呢?我们可以这样做:一、看看已知的边是 邻边(就是:我们想求的角的其中一边,但不是最长的边), 对边(就是:对着我们想求的角的边),...