I could see a possibility that my unit vector ends up slightly misaligned, and that that would make a sub-degree error that, multiplied over the hundreds of kilometers up to the ISS, makes for a 20 kilometer error, but any advice on where to hunt would be hugely appreciated. Thanks for...
#45: Move non-SMAWK code and unit tests out of lib and into separate modules. #46: Switchsmawk_row_minimaandsmawk_column_minimafunctions to a newMatrixtrait. #47: Make the dependency on thendarraycrate optional. #48: Letis_mongetake aMatrixargument instead ofndarray::Array2. ...
Summary: We show how randomized rounding can be applied to finding the closest lattice vector. Given the basis of a lattice, and given a vector $x$ not in the lattice, the heuristic will with high probability find the vector in the lattice that is closest to $x$ (according to Euclidean...
Two randomized methods are considered for finding the PageRank vector; in other words, the solution of the system p T = p T P with a stochastic n × n matrix P, where n ∼ 107–109, is sought (in the class of probability distributions) with accuracy ɛ: ɛ ≫ n −1. ...
A comparator ( 231 ) for determining a peak number, representing a maximum or minimum of a set of numbers, includes a multi-element comparator ( 232 ) for comparing different pages of the set of numbers in a page comparison mode to output a candidate set of winning numbers, and for ...
The s vector specifies the probability distribution for where the walk transitions when it resets. The original PageRank algorithm used a uniform unit vector for s [10, 11]. PageRank with non-uniform starting vectors is known as personalized PageRank, and has been used in context-sensitive sea...
Understand the concept of the basis of a vector space and related concepts and properties. Learn how to find the basis of a vector space using...
We claim that for each corner p of R there is a point of Cε at distance at most dε. Indeed, if this was not the case for some corner p of R, we can pick the nearest point q∈Cε to p, and let u∈U be the direction vector of p−q. We then havedwidth(u,C)−d...
By default, the estimates are scaled to a unit vector based on the L2-norm. To use a different method, provide an instance of ScalingMethod as a second argument to PowerIteration: <?php use Aboks\PowerIteration\PowerIteration; use Aboks\PowerIteration\ScalingMethod\NormBased; use Aboks\...
The very least information we need to provide is a vector of the doses under investigation, a reference dose-level$d^*$, our target toxicity level, and priors on the logit model intercept,$\alpha$, and dose gradient,$\beta$. For illustration, let us reproduce the notorious example in Fi...