On finding a proper number and proper vector-funciton for first plane interior homogeneous boundary value problem of stationary oscillation with regard to moment strainsSvanadze, KostaMoambe-Bulletin of Akaki Tsereteli State University
Con- sidering the low-energy sector of Hoˇrava gravity as a viable Lorentz-violating gravity in four dimensions which admits a different speed of gravity, we find the exact rotating black hole solutions (with or without cosmological constant). We find that the singular region extends to r <...
The ending is a bit fuzzy, but what I'm getting is that r = [itex]\stackrel{\rightarrow}{u}[/itex] • [itex]\stackrel{\rightarrow}{x}[/itex] So if I was relating this to my problem, I would have to get the unit vector of u, which is simple enough because it's a ...
Insecticide-based methods are essential to virtually all vector control programmes and, as such, insecticide resistance is a major threat to the control or prevention of all vector-borne diseases. Perhaps most importantly, the control of malaria vectors in Africa has stalled as insecticide resistance...
The cable-supported grid structure (CSGS) is a hybrid structure combined with rigidity and flexibility. Its formed state is closely related to the zero-stress state, construction process, and prestress distribution. The prestress self-equilibrium force-finding method is proposed in this paper to con...
The transformed vector 𝝎̃ω˜ belongs to ℝ2𝑃×1R2P×1, while 𝐲̃∈ℝ2𝑁𝑇×1y˜∈R2NT×1 and 𝐗 ∈ℝ2𝑁𝑇×2𝑃X¯∈R2NT×2P. In regression problems, the objective of SVR is to build a hyper-plane to fit the data within a deviation less than a ...