针对你遇到的问题“could not find cuda (missing: cuda_include_dirs cuda_cudart_library)”,以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认CUDA是否已经正确安装: 可以通过在终端中运行nvcc --version来检查CUDA编译器(nvcc)的版本,从而确认CUDA是否安装。 检查环境变量是否包含了CUDA的路径: CUDA安装后,需要确保环境变量中包...
Make sure that you have installed CUDA Toolkit and cuDNN Library correctly on your system. Check if the path to the CUDA toolkit is set in the environment variables. You can do this by running the commandecho $PATHin the terminal. The output should include the path to the CUDA toolkit. ...
import importlib import traceback from typing import Callable from unittest.mock import patch def find_cuda_init(fn: Callable[[], object]) -> None: """ Helper function to debug CUDA re-initialization errors. If `fn` initializes CUDA, prints the stack trace of how this happens. """ from...
import importlib import traceback from typing import Callable from unittest.mock import patch def find_cuda_init(fn: Callable[[], object]) -> None: """ Helper function to debug CUDA re-initialization errors. If `fn` initializes CUDA, prints the stack trace of how this happens. """ from...
cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 3.20 ) project ( testprj ) find_package ( CUDAToolkit ) message ( STATUS "CUDAToolkit_FOUND=${CUDAToolkit_FOUND}" ) message ( STATUS "CUDAToolkit_VERSION=${CUDAToolkit_VERSION}" ) message ( STATUS "CUDAToolkit_VERSION_MAJOR=${CUDAToolkit_VERSION_MAJOR}" )...
using the FindCuda.cmake utility downloaded fromhttp://www.sci.utah.edu/~abe/FindCuda.html. I successfully got the example available in the download to work. Using that example as a template, I attempted to extract the relevant parts of the CMakeList.txt files and apply the same structure...
运行ld -lcuda --verbose发现各种attempt都无法打开lcuda.so,这说明lcuda无法被gcc找到。 这是因为在WSL中不需要安装nvidia驱动,通过特殊的配置使得linux可以访问windows中的nvidia驱动。这导致cuda libraries(即lcuda)被储存在特殊的\usr\lib\wsl\lib中,因此我们可以cp \usr\lib\wsl\lib\* \usr\lib把所需的cud...
NVCC = /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc (新建,注意自己本机的地址) 二. 此时make产生错误 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcuda 1. 查看MakeFile文件找到该行代码: LDFLAGS+= -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -lcuda -lcudart -lcublas -lcurand 2. 查看路径/usr/local/cuda/lib64下是否存在libcuda.so文件。如果存...
Hi everyone, I’ve been using CMake (Kitware’s cross platform build system) with Cuda for quite some time now. CMake eliminates the need to modify visual studio build configuration manually to invoke nvcc. I’ve finally …
Find CUDA Browse files dsa-onebeam kiranshila committed May 6, 2023 Verified 1 parent 3b9179f commit c0cd2fb Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 0 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions 2 CMakeLists.txt Original file line ...