After using enable_language(CUDA), the cmake can find nvcc in the configuration phase: -- The CUDA compiler identification is NVIDIA 8.0.61 -- Check for working CUDA compiler: /gpfs/share/software/cuda/cuda-8.0/bin/nvcc -- Check for working CUDA compiler: /gpfs/share/software/cuda/cuda-...
针对“cmake couldn't find cuda library root”的问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 检查CUDA是否已经正确安装 首先,确保你的系统上已经正确安装了CUDA。你可以通过以下命令来检查CUDA是否安装成功: bash nvcc --version 如果系统返回了CUDA编译器的版本信息,说明CUDA已经安装成功。 2. 确认CMAKE的版本是否...
cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 3.20 ) project ( testprj ) find_package ( CUDAToolkit ) message ( STATUS "CUDAToolkit_FOUND=${CUDAToolkit_FOUND}" ) message ( STATUS "CUDAToolkit_VERSION=${CUDAToolkit_VERSION}" ) message ( STATUS "CUDAToolkit_VERSION_MAJOR=${CUDAToolkit_VERSION_MAJOR}" )...
# CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR/CMakeFiles. # # CUDA_HOST_COMPILATION_CPP (Default ON) # -- Set to OFF for C compilation of host code. # # CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS # CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS_<CONFIG> # -- Additional NVCC command line arguments. NOTE: multiple arguments must be # semi-colon de... BundleUtilities.cmake CMake.cmake CMakeASM-ATTInformation.cmake CMakeASMInformation.cmake CMakeASM_MASMInformation.cmake CMakeASM_NASMInformation.cmake CMakeAddFortranSubdirectory....
cmake 找不到cuda Could Not find CUDA(missing:CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS CUDA_CUDART_LIBRARY),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Hi all, I am simultaneously learning CMake and how successfully compile a cuda project. As an exercise, I decided to take the cppIntegration project from the SDK, and figure out how to get it to compile with CMake, usi…
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.3)project("supertest")find_package(CUDA REQUIRED)cuda_add_executable(supertest where the contents oftest.cuare just "Example 2"from NVIDIA. It seems this one is going to be hard to track down :'( ...
-- Build files have been written to: D:/work/modern_cmake_work/ModernCMake/codes/cmake/cuda/info/02/build 具体有: -- my_import_targets=CUDA::toolkit;CUDA::cuda_driver;CUDA::cudart;CUDA::cudart_static;CUDA::cudart_static_deps;CUDA::cublasLt;CUDA::cublas;CUDA::cufft;CUDA::curand;CUDA...
Public/backup repository of the GROMACS molecular simulation toolkit. Please do not mine the metadata blindly; we use for code review and issue tracking. - Replace FindCUDA usage with FindCUDAToolkit CMake module · gro