Find Username By UPN In Powershell with Imported Active Directory Module find users NOT in group Find value in array and return row value Find WINS Servers on IPv4 Adapters find word in a text file and return boolean Find, Backup and Delete Registry Key on Remote Machine Find/Replace text ...
可以将 或 -allusers 参数添加到 -user <username> cmdlet,Get-AppxPackage以列出其他用户的 AUMID。 必须使用提升的Windows PowerShell提示符才能使用 -user 或-allusers 参数。 为指定用户获取已安装应用的 AUMID 的示例 下面的代码示例在 Windows PowerShell 中创建一个函数,该函数为指定用户返回已安装应用...
Windows PowerShell 預設會下載系統設定語言的說明檔。 如果未提供該語言的說明,Windows PowerShell 預設為 en-US (美式英文) 語言。 您可以使用 Update-Help 的參數來指定要擷取說明的 UICulture,以覆寫此行為。根據預設,Update-Help 會每隔 24 小時檢查一次說明...
In this example, we’ll show how to use the Get-ADUser PowerShell cmdlet to get information about the last time a user’s password was changed, when thepassword expires, and other users’ properties. To use the RSAT-AD-PowerShell module, you need to run the elevated PowerShell console a...
I was getting this problem because I was trying to use this command in PowerShell (x86). When I changed to 64 bits it solved. Everything is on here: Shar...
PowerShell 复制 $rgname = <Resource Group Name> $location = <Azure Region> $vmName = "v" + $rgname $domainNameLabel = "d" + $rgname $securePassword = <Password> | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $username = <Username> $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation...
Press the “Windows logo + R” keys to open the Run utility, and type “Windows PowerShell”. Using the attribute, “msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed,” you can easily get the password expiration date for a single user, with: Get-ADUser -Identity UserName -Properties msDS-UserPasswordExpiry...
Mac OSX系统、Linux、Windows命令行教程 [TOC] 用你的终端做一些事情 (command line, Terminal, PowerShell). 一、各系统终端的使用方法 Mac OSX 在Mac OSX系统上,你应该 按住 command 键,并敲空格键。 屏幕顶部会弹出一个蓝色的“搜索框”。 输入“terminal”。 点击终端应用程序,这个程序的图标看起来有点像...
PowerShell Get-ManagementRoleAssignment-Role"<Role name>"-GetEffectiveUsers-Delegating$false|Where-Object{$_.EffectiveUserName-ne"All Group Members"} |Format-Table-AutoEffectiveUserName,Role,RoleAssigneeName,AssignmentMethod For example: PowerShell ...
When you run this script, it creates an HTML email that is sent to the requester with a BCC to the person who is running the Windows PowerShell command. I added the BCC so I could make sure that the email went out and to be able to explain to the requesters what they were lookin...