Hive: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software Name Property --- --- MySoftwareKey DefaultFolders : {Home, Temp, Publish} MaxAllowed : 1024 BinaryDate : {51, 49, 45, 74…} 下列範例顯示每種登錄項目的實值類型: PowerShell 複製 $key.GetValueNames() | Select-Object @{n='ValueName';e={$_}}, ...
get the list of users, list of printers, and to read the reporting data.Connect-MgGraph-Scopes"Reports.Read.All"### GET PRINTER REPORT###if(!$UserOnly) {Write-Progress-Activity"Gathering Printer usage..."-PercentComplete-1# Get the printer usage report$printerReport=Get-MgReportMonthlyPrintU...
Hive: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software Name Property --- --- MySoftwareKey DefaultFolders : {Home, Temp, Publish} MaxAllowed : 1024 BinaryDate : {51, 49, 45, 74…} 以下示例显示每种注册表项的值类型: PowerShell $key.GetValueNames() |Select-Object@{n='ValueName';e={$_}}, @{n='ValueKi...
$user){ $user = Get-ADUser -Filter { Name -like $obj} -Properties Name, samAccountName } if(!$user){ Write-Host "User $obj could not be found" -ForegroundColor Red }else{ $users += $user } } $users | Select-Object Name,SamAccountName | Export-CSV "\\server\users\folder\Oracl...
I would like to set the home directory based on a csv file containing a list of usernames. I imagine there is a combination of get-user, set-user, and foreach commands that give the correct updates. Here is the code I am using but I'm unable to make the logic...
(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)) Putting it to use, we get: PS C:\> $DirSearcher = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher -ArgumentList ([adsi]'') PS C:\> $DirSearcher.Filter = '(&(objectCategory=person)...
Get-Service-Namew32time |Select-Object-Property* 根據預設,PowerShell 會以數據表傳回四個屬性,並以五個以上的屬性作為清單。 不過,某些命令會套用自定義格式設定,以覆寫數據表中顯示的預設屬性數目。 您可以使用Format-Table和Format-List手動覆寫這些預設值。
在PowerShell中使用Get-Item访问该键: $key = Get-Item HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1 $key.Name HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1 $key | Format-List ps* PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1 ...
Get-User -ResultSize unlimitedThis example returns a summary list of all users in your organization.Example 2PowerShell Copy Get-User -Identity "Coy Damon" | Format-ListThis example returns detailed information for the user named Coy Damon.Example...
To view thelist of all domain user accounts, use this cmdlet: Get-ADUser-filter* Get a list of all domain user accounts Tofind the properties of a specific domain user account, use the-Identityparameter followed by any property to filter the user account. Use either of the given cmdlets ...