1. First, go to the End dimension through theMinecraft End portal, which spawns in a stronghold. We already have a guide in place to help you easilyfind a stronghold in Minecraftand useEyes of Enderto activate the portal. 2. Then, you need tokill the Ender Dragonif you haven’t defeat...
Advanced players can enter Minecraft's final zone - The End. Players go to the End to challenge the ender dragon and explore treasure-filled cities in the sky. Before you can do this, however, you'll need to find a rare End Portal using...
On Minecraft PE, villages are very common. Just use a nice village seed such as this one; money maker. Not Helpful 30 Helpful 79 Question How can I find villages in water? Community Answer Walk by the shore in all compatible biomes, and you may see 1 or 2 houses on land and th...