Best Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Seeds Jungle Temple at Spawn Lush Badlands Cave Igloo's Exposed Basement Guaranteed Stronghold Woodland Mansion by Flooded Canyon Stranded at Sea Mangrove Farmers Ice Spikes Village Lively Coral Oasis Monument Guardians Pale Garden Hill Oceanside Mountains Un...
Nether Portal was created very close to spawn. Soul Sand Valley:-11 47 -3 Ruined Portal:-643 40 485 Crimson Forest:-537 73 659 Bastion Remnant:-96 83 528 7. Stronghold Ravine Village at Spawn Screenshot : Credit:FryBry–Seed:1349679922 –Version:Bedrock 1.16 Key Locations Desert Temple...
Spawn Biome:Plains Stronghold Coordinates:X: 59, Y: -43, Z: 1858 This Minecraft seed is for all the speed runners in Minecraft. You won’t even have to get out in the wild looking for Strongholds using theEnder Pearls. Once you spawn in this world, there will be three strongholds near...
Here’s a great survival seed that sets players up with a great spawn area. At spawn you’re next to two pillager mansions, two villages, several caves with spawners, and a stronghold. It’s a great area if you’re after some decent resources right away without having to endlessly explor...
Source: /r/minecraftseeds (Image credit: Mojang) Ancient City at spawn seed If you want to explore one of the new ancient cities down in the deep dark ASAP, this seed will get you there. You'll spawn next to two open caves close to the surface, with a secret below. Way beneath you...
A guide filled with 41 of the best Minecraft seeds for 1.21.4 that we've ever come across, from fantastic diamond spawns to survival islands and more!,
Spawn Biome:Jungle Ocean Ruined PortalCoordinates: X: 120 Z: -344 Closest Stronghold Coordinates:X: -860 Z: -1484 Seeds for Both Java and Bedrock 10. Ultimate Death Speedrun Nowadays, there is a new type of speedrun going on in the Minecraft community. In it, players try to kill themselv...
Stronghold (X: 158,932 Z: -496,924) Mineshaft (X: 153,976 Z: -491,048) 13 Plains and Village Seed: 1940919583822173750 Seed:1940919583822173750 Coordinates of Screenshot:Spawn Point As you begin your journey, this seed offers a pleasant spawn point on a beautiful section of plainsby the ...
Incredible Stronghold Seed This right here has got to be one of the best seeds for Minecraft PE 1.12 (Bedrock). When you spawn, you’ll notice a village in the distance (pictured). But wait, there’s also a desert village not too far off. And yes, there’s more!
Stronghold:1,176, 39, -648 End Portal:1,146, 40, -625 Two Taiga Villages Screenshot by Gameskinny Seed:-5827076749818071175 Version:Java Spawn:-104, 225 Biomes:Various Spawn between two villages that inhabit an area with five different biomes: Ice Spikes, Taiga, Forest, Snowy Taiga, and ...