the longest non-repeating substringoutput a lookup table of alreadyvisitedcharacters String getUniqueCharacterSubstring(String input) { Map<Character, Integer> visited = new HashMap<>(); String output = ""; for (int start = 0, end = 0; end < input.length(); end++) { char currChar = ...
Problem: GivenastringS find the longest repeated substring non overlaps.1<=|S|<=50,000Input:ABBBB output:BB I'm trying to solve a problem like this, after thinking some time I came up with this solution using suffix array: pos[i]->sorted suffix array lcp[i]->longest common prefix bet...
代码: 1classSolution {2publicintlengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {3if(null!=s){45char[] charArray=s.toCharArray();6intlen=0;7List<String> list =newArrayList<String>();8StringBuffer sb =newStringBuffer();9for(intj=0;j<charArray.length;j++) {1011for(inti=j;i<charArray.length;i++...
3. Find the longest substring without repeating characters Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. 给一个字符串,求出最长的无重复字符的子字符串长度。 Examples: Given"abcabcbb", the answeris"abc", which the lengthis3. Given"bbbbb", the answeris"...
祖传的手艺不想丢了,所以按顺序写一个leetcode的题解。计划每日两题,争取不卡题吧 3104.Find Longest Self-Contained Substring . - 力扣(LeetCode) leetcode上少有的翻译都没有的题。。题目给出一个由小写字母组成的字符串s,要求从中...
A substring is a contiguous non-empty sequence of characters within a string. Example 1: Input: s = "52233"Output: 4 Explanation: The longest semi-repetitive substring is "5223", which starts at i = 0 and ends at j = 3. Example 2: ...
In exchange for using more memory and performing less execution on deciding whether an element of a given list is a number or string, the algorithms create a helper list which contains these data. This helper list is used during the search of the longest substring.About...
Re: How to find the longest matching substring Tom Melly August 26, 2009 03:07AM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders. It is not reviewed in advance by Oracle and does not necessari...
The answer of each query is to find thelengthof the longest common substring between S and b. ( |S| <= 10^5, |b| <= 100, q <= 100 ) My dp solution to find the length of the largest LCS is O(n*m) per query, but it doesn't seem to pass!
No_0003_Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters No_0007_Reverse Integer No_0008_String to Integer_aka_atoi No_0009_Palindrome Number No_0011_Contain With Most Water No_0012_Integer to Roman No_0013_Roman to Integer No_0014_Longest Common Prefix No_0015_3 Sum N...