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What is the Process of Writing Equations of Lines? For writing equations of lines, first note down the known information about it. Usually, some information like slope, point(s) on it, its intercepts, the angle made by the line with x-axis, etc will be given in the problems. Then we...
Use the x-intercepts for 3 known values, then choose one other point on the curve and finally, set up a system of 3 equations in 3 unknowns and solve them.Dodi says: 11 Oct 2015 at 6:46 pm [Comment permalink] On parabola how can I find the equation of the axis of symm...
Is the measurement of an inscribed angle half the measurement of the central angle that intercepts the same arc? wikiHow Staff Editor Staff Answer That is correct. The vertex of an inscribed angle is on the outside of a circle. When an inscribed angle and a central angle share the same...
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