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There are four principal functions that are formed by conic sections: circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola. A circle is formed by slicing a cone perpendicular to its axis. An ellipse is formed by slicing a cone such that the plane intersects both sides of the cone and is not ...
Given a curve, such as 1/x, how to find which tangent is closest to its OWN interception with the y-axis https://math.stackexchange.com/q/1073854 Hint 1: the distance from the point on the curve to the x-intercept of the tangent is y2+(y/y′)2 Hint 2: the distance from the ...
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definition, the y-value of a linear equation when it crosses the x-axis will always be 0, since the x-axis is stationed at y = 0 on a graph. Consequently, to find a y-intercept, just substitute 0 for y andsolve for x. This will give you the value of x at the x-intercept. ...
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