publicclassSolution {publicIList<int> FindDuplicates(int[] nums) {intsum =0; IList<int> result =newList<int>();for(inti =0; i<nums.Length; i++) {intindex = Math.Abs(nums[i])-1;if(nums[index]<0) { result.Add(Math.Abs(nums[i])); }else{ nums[index]= (-1)*nums[index];...
public: vector<int> findDuplicates(vector<int>& nums){ vector<int> res; for(inti = 0; i < nums.size(); i++){ intidx =abs(nums[i])-1; if(nums[idx] < 0) res.push_back(idx+1); nums[idx] = -nums[idx]; } returnres; } }; classSolution2{ public: vector<int> findDuplica...
Find duplicates in an array in C# Remove duplicates from a List in C# Rate this post Submit Rating Average rating4.81/5. Vote count:43 Submit Feedback Thanks for reading. To share your code in the comments, please use ouronline compilerthat supports C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, C#,...
C# programm to count the number of duplicates in given string C# programming - for the microcontroller STM32 C# Programming for both 32Bit Microsoft Access and 64Bit Microsoft Access C# Progress bar - How do i pass text message in progress percentage bar C# projects output unwanted BouncyCastle ...
It may also result in duplicate elements in the duplicates array. These are some of the ways to find duplicate items in an array in JavaScript. We can choose any of them based on our preference and use case. Also See: Find all duplicates in an array in JavaScript Check if an array ...
console.log(find_duplicate_in_array([1, 2, -2, 4, 5, 4, 7, 8, 7, 7, 71, 3, 6])); Output: ["4","7"] Flowchart: ES6 Version: // Function to find duplicates in an array const find_duplicate_in_array = (arra1) => { ...
Finally, the last method to find duplicates in an array is to use the for loop.Here is an example that compares each element of the array with all other elements of the array to check if two values are the same using nested for loop:...
442 Find All Duplicates in an Array 数组中重复的数据 Description: Given an array of integers, 1 ≤ a[i] ≤ n (n = size of array), some elements appear twice and others appear once. Find all the elements that appear twice in this array. ...
To find which elements are duplicates, you could use this “array without duplicates” we got, and and remove each item it contains from the original array content:const yourArray = [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5] const yourArrayWithoutDuplicates = [ Set(yourArray)] let duplicates = ...
leetcode442. Find All Duplicates in an Array 题目要求 代码语言:javascript 复制 Given an arrayofintegers,1≤ a[i]≤n(n=sizeofarray),some elements appear twice and others appear once.Find all the elements that appear twiceinthisarray.Could youdoit without extra space andinO(n)runtime?Example...