Find the Attached vs See the Attached Some people believe it should be “see the attached…” instead of “find the attached…” as using “find” might mean “to search for” in email communications. The notion is actually debatable since the word “Find” has several meanings. However, i...
attach,动词表示附上 Attachment,可数名词表示附件 attached 作形容词,已被附上的附件已添加,教你6个必备表达 1、The additional documents are now attached. 2、The - 美森商务英语于20240814发布在抖音,已经收获了7.2万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
please find the attached catalog 3年前 0 分享 回复 Moni_ca ... 谢谢分享!日常还会用XXX is attached below, feel free to use as a reference. 3年前 1 分享 回复 展开1条回复 恭喜发财 ... The attached is 3年前 1 分享 回复 红果馅的豆沙包 ...
当你发送附件时,你可能会使用常见的短语 Please find attached,或者其他类似的说法,比如 Attached please find, Please kindly find the attached file, Please find the attached file for your reference, 以及 Enclosed please find.那么问题来了,你是否应该使用Please find attached?总的来说,我们不建议用,...
这意味着你会经常写到“Please find attached——见附件”,以及这句的一些其他的变体,如: Attached please find Enclosed please find Please kindly find the attached file Please find the attached file for your reference Please find attached herewith 发送附件,可以使用“Please find attached”这句吗? 最好...
当你发送附件时,你可能会使用常见的短语 Please find attached,或者其他类似的说法,比如 Attached please find, Please kindly find the attached file, Please find the attached file for your reference, 以及 Enclosed please find. 那么问题来了,你是否应该使用Please find attached?
Please find the attached file for your reference Please find attached herewith 发送附件,可以使用“Please find attached”这句吗? 最好不要使用这句,因为这句话过于正式,语气就像19世纪律师写律师信函一样,以前人们依赖纸质信件沟通,“Enclosed please find….”也曾经风行一时,现在会让人觉得啰唆又老派。其次,...
Please find the attached file for your reference Please find attached herewith 发送附件,可以使用“Please find attached”这句吗? 最好不要使用这句,因为这句话过于正式,语气就像19世纪律师写律师信函一样,以前人们依赖纸质信件沟通,“Enclosed please find….”也曾经风行一时,现在会让人觉得啰唆又老派。其次,...
现在很多人常用“ Please find enclosed / attached xxxxx ”来说明附件,虽然含义很好懂,但用法不够规范。通常情况下,只有附件或邮件不见了,才需要收件人去“Find”。 相比之下,更建议大家使用这些表达: 1. Here is... 2. Attached is... 3. I have attached... 4...
【编者按】“Please find attached ——见附件”这句虽然很好懂,但用法不够规范,因为通常情况下,只有附件或邮件不见了,才需要收件人去“find”。本文将介绍几种更简洁规范的“见附件”的写法。