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“Malcolm Wynn is a tremendous coach,” said Coach Charlie Mason. “Coach Wynn's body of work at the collegiate level speaks for itself. He has won at every level and his experience as a successful coach and recruiter will be an asset for our program as we move forward."...
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In 2014, Gavin Wood, the co-founder of Ethereum and the visionary behind Polkadot, introduced the groundbreaking concept of “Web3.” Coined by Wood himself, the term encapsulates an extraordinary vision of a decentralized online ecosystem built upon the revolutionary technology of blockchain. ...
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and NATO—which Trump had attacked verbally as related in John Bolton’s book—-is now not the bulwark against Soviet aggression that it had been since WWII. (Trump, while in Air Force One on his way to a NATO meeting with Bolton, complained about the organization and revealed an almost ...