For a more personal and engaging Air Force experience, attend an event or connect with recruiters in your area. ENGAGE Take your interest in the Air Force to the next level by learning fitness routines, traditions and even following new Airmen as they start training....
There is not much information on what women should do for Air Force basic training. This is a basic guide to how to survive basic training.
Thunderbolt: 12:00. The rules for Air Force graduation state that each trainee is currently allowed to invite up to 6 friends or family to their graduation event. They literally just got back to me, heres what they had to say: Thank you for contacting the Pfingston Reception Center (PRC)...
8R0XX Enlisted Accessions RecruiterHuman Resource Management 9L0XX Interpreter/TranslatorIntelligence Studies & Technology 9S1XX Scientific Applications SpecialistScientific Analysis Technology Your AFSC determines what CCAF degree you are enrolled in, you are not able to choose another degree type. If you...
" I had no money; I felt as though I was living through the motions of life not being able to take the time needed to enjoy life. Something had to change, otherwise my results would continue being the same. The very next day I went to see an Air Force recruiter. I told her that...
I had never heard of this unit, code-named “Operation Safeside,” and certainly had no voluntary interest in such Air Force “ranger” assignment. I was still waiting for orders to serve in the AF correctional program that had been all but promised when I enlisted. I subsequently learned ...
Because the test is electronic you should receive your scores immediately, though depending on the MEPS that you go to they may hold on to your results or send them straight to your recruiter. I was given my results in a sealed envelope immediately after taking the test and didn’t open ...
Mr Peace said the indictment alleged Jeffries and Smith, 61, employed Jacobson, 71, “to act as a recruiter to find men”. Jacobson would “engage in ‘tryouts’ with men across the world where he would typically pay them to engage in sex acts with him”. ...
Rather than trying to learn every single aspect of a particular topic, Chesky found that it was more efficient to spend his time researching and identifying the single best source in that area, then going straight to that person. “If you pick the right source, you can fast-forward,” he...
In all seriousness, this mentor of mine heard about the opportunity at Aircell and directed the recruiter my way. Sounds crazy, right? She encouraged me to look at the opportunity for what it COULD BE, and not for what it was at the time. She knew she could not put me on a path fo...