美联储于2024年11月22日发布最新的《金融稳定报告》(Financial Stability Report) 网页链接 以下为报告的概述部分: 本报告回顾了与估值压力、企业和家庭借贷、金融部门杠杆率和融资风险有关的影响美国金融体系稳定性的脆弱性。报告还强调了一些近期风险,这些风险一旦实现,可能会与这些脆弱性相互作用。 自2024 年 4 月...
作者: 每年四月和十月,美联储和IMF都会发布金融稳定报告(Financial Stability Report)以评估系统性风险水平并定位潜在的风险冲击。一般而言,美联储会从以下四个方面来评估金融系统的稳定性:1)资产价格估值水平,是否主要由风险偏好支持而明显偏离经济基本面或历史合理区间。2)企业和居民部门是否过度加杠杆。3)金融部门杠...
GO个RER S ALFinancial Stability ReportApril 2024BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEMThe Federal Reserve Syste
美联储发布半年度金融稳定报告(2024年4月)-Financial Stability Report FinancialStabilityReport April2024 BOARDOFGOVERNORSOFTHEFEDERALRESERVESYSTEM TheFederalReserveSystemisthecentral bankoftheUnitedStates.Itperformsfivekey functionstopromotetheeffectiveoperation oftheU.S.economyand,moregenerally,the publicinterest....
美联储发布半年度金融稳定报告(2024年4月)-Financial Stability Report.docx,GO 个 RER S R E R S Financial Stability Report April 2024 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It p
美联储-CBDC对金融稳定的影响Financial Stability Implications of CBDC 热度: Bubbles, banks and financial stability-WORKING PAPER :泡沫,银行和金融稳定工作论文 热度: FinancialStabilityReport iii Contents PurposeandFramework...v Overview...1 1AssetValuations...5 2BorrowingbyBusinessesandHouseholds.....
CNBC's Steve Liesman breaks down the Fed's financial stability report. Fri, Nov 22 20244:32 PM ESTwatch now watch now VIDEO03:44 TIAA Wealth Management CIO Neel Mukherjee: Expect non-Mag 7 pickup watch now watch now VIDEO04:40 The AI trade is still real, says Deepwater's Doug Clinto...
"Global financial conditions have tightened notably" and downside risks to the economic outlook have increased as a result of the Russian-Ukraine war, according to the newly released Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR). The tightening has been "particularly pronounced" in eastern Europe and Midd...
In response to the report issued by rating agency S&P on Hong Kong's banks and property market, the Hong Kong government said last night that it disagrees with the observation that there is an oversupply of residential properties. The vacancy rate of private flats was 4.5% at end-2024, on...
According to the report, although the global financial stability has been enhanced, the shift from the liquidity driven market to the market driven by economic growth is far from complete, and the financial stability has not yet returned to normal. ...