Twitter Google Share on Facebook depressed Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. Of or relating to a security, product, or market in which demand is weak and price continues to decline. Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by...
a business premise which is used to warehouse (i.e. store) goods in transit as part of a physicalDISTRIBUTION CHANNELengaged in the movement of goods from their place of manufacture toWHOLESALERSandRETAILERSof the product. a business premise which is used to provide a central parking facility ...
When creating this type of law, legislators need to take into consideration the public’s opinion and provide an adequate level of safety while allowing innovation in healthcare delivery. Additionally, they should also consider how these regulations will affect the cost of healthcare services, acces...
Fig. 1. Number of insured commerical banks and thrifts 1950–1997. With the return of the banking sector to profitability in the early 1990s, banking consolidation was driven by the continuing need for more cost-effective distribution networks and the entry of banks into new activities which inc...
and additional financial benefit of reducing associated operating costs of power, cooling, and maintenance, delivering a highly reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) solution. 服务器数量的 减少带来开支方面的额外好处,削减了能源、 冷却和维护的相关运营成本,交付了一套大幅 度降低总拥有成本...
taxing excessiverisk-taking,sothat banks can pay for the costsoffinancialcrisis and provide an innovative source of financing for global public goods. 具体的想法是设立一个机制,改善审慎监管,对过度的冒险行为征税,让银行支付金融危机的成本,又为全球公共产品提供创...
Second, analysis of national longitudinal data (20,000+ participants over 20 years of assessment) revealed that facing financial scarcity in the course of one's life decreased self-rated and objective health and increased feelings of depression; again, these effects explained variance over and above...
Depression in the workplace: a hidden cost ; A conference today will focus on mental health issues and their financial impact on businesses.J HEMMERDINGER Staff Writer
Offset Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Oligopoly Onerous Contract Online Banking Open Market Operations Operating Income Operating Leverage Operating Margin Operations Management Opportunity Cost Option Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Organizational Behavior (OB) Org...
Dictionary ADP National Employment ReportThe ADP National Employment Report is a monthly economic data release that tracks levels of nonfarm private employment in the U.S. Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)DemandDemonetization