Croghan, T.W., Obenchain, R.L., & Crown, W.E. (1998). What does treatment of depression really cost? Health Affairs, 17, 198A208.Croghan, T. W., Obenchain, R. L., and Crown, W. E (1998). What does treatment of depression really cost? Health Aff (Millwood); 17:198-208....
patients diagnosed with depression and treated with either sertraline, paroxetine, or fluoxetine.Claims records from a national database of patients diagnosed with depression who began treatment with an SSRI in 1995, following an antidepressant medication-free period of at least 6 months, were included...
Data of patients with depression or anxiety from eight Dutch MHS providers were used. Treatment outcome was operationalized as case mix corrected pre-to-posttreatment change scores and as reliable change (improved) and clinical significant change (recovered). Duration and cost were corrected for case...
pharmacologictreatmentofdepression 系统标签: depressionpharmacologicneurovegetativetreatmentdepressivesymptoms PharmacologicPharmacologicTreatmentofTreatmentofDepressionDepressionTenLeadingCausesofTenLeadingCausesofDisabilityintheWorldDisabilityintheWorldTypeofDisabilityTypeofDisabilityCost(inCost(inDALYs)DALYs)CumulativeCumulative%%of...
The cost of depression and the cost-effectiveness of pharmacological treatment. The purpose of this study was twofold: to measure the overall direct costs of depression for 1990 in the UK, and to develop a model to illustrate issues in... B Jönsson,PE Bebbington - 《Br J Psychiatry》 ...
Electro-acupunctureandmoxibustiontreatmentofmoderatesimple,lowcost,side effectsofsmall,easytobepatient. 电针及温和灸治疗简便,成本低廉,毒副作用小,易于被患者接受。 4 Hasheneverbeengivenachanceto voicetheunfairtreatmentheendured? 他是否如其所控,被剥夺了上告其所遭受虐待的机会?
In Reply. —Can quality improvement interventions raise the value of care for depression in 1995? Dr Solomon suggests that much of the quality improvement needed to increase the value of care has already occurred because recent studies and the publicity surrounding newer antidepressant medications have...
Over 4 years, this would reduce time with uncontrolled depression from 50% to 34% of life-years. Meaning Electroconvulsive therapy may be an effective and cost-effective treatment for treatment-resistant depression and should be considered after failure of 2 or more lines of pharmacotherapy and/or...
Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of DSM-III-R psychiatric disorders in the United States: results from the National Comorbidity Study. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1994;518- 19ArticleGoogle ScholarCrossref 5. Croghan TWObenchain RLCrown WE What does treatment of depression really cost? Health Aff (...