Law, finance, and economic growthin ChinaLaw, finance, and economicgrowthinChina FranklinAllena, JunQianb,MeijunQian Journal of Financial Economics 77 (2005) 57–116 这篇文章的主要观点是中国的经济增长经验没有按照主流学派预言的那样在完善的法律制度和金融环境下实现,中国经济奇迹很大部分是因为私有企业的...
1 Law,finance,andeconomicgrowthinChina FranklinAllena,JunQianb,MeijunQian JournalofFinancialEconomics77(2005)57–116 这篇文章的主要观点是中国的经济增长经验没有按照主流学派 预言的那样在完善的法律制度和金融环境下实现,中国经济奇迹很大 部分是因为私有企业的业绩,而声望和关系在其中发挥重要的作用。 一、选题背...
Law,finance and economic growth in china Journal of Financial Economics 77 (2005) 57–116 Law, ??nance, and economic growth in China$ Franklin Allena,??, Jun Qianb, Meijun Qianb aThe Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Finance Department, Suite 2300 SH-DH, Philadelphia, PA 19104, ...
JournalofFinancialEconomics77(2005)57–116 Law,finance,andeconomicgrowthinChina $ FranklinAllen a,Ã ,JunQian b ,MeijunQian b a TheWhartonSchool,UniversityofPennsylvania,FinanceDepartment,Suite2300SH-DH, Philadelphia,PA19104,USA b FinanceDepartment,CarrollSchoolofManagement,BostonCollege,ChestnutHill,MA...
Mid-term report Summary for “Law, finance, and economic growth in China” a) A cover letter of the paper Dear editor, We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "Law, finance, and economic growth in China". Below are our responses to your submission questions. 1. Title ...
01. Law, finance, and economic growth in China 中国的法律、金融与经济增长 发表时间:July 2005 Google Scholar引用量:4463 Franklin Allen 宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(现:帝国理工学院商学院) 钱军 波士顿学院卡罗尔管理学院(现:复旦大学泛海国际金融学院) ...
China is an important counterexample to the findings in the law, institutions, finance, and growth literature: Neither its legal nor financial system is well developed, yet it has one of the fastest growing economies. While the law–finance–growth nexus applies to the State Sector and the List...
China is an important counterexample to the findings in the law, institutions, finance, and growth literature: Neither its legal nor financial system is well developed, yet it has one of the fastest growing economies. While the law–finance–growth nexus applies to the State Sector and the List...
China has experienced remarkable economic growth for three decades despite having a weak legal system and under-developed financial markets thought to be crucial for economic development. An assessment of the relationship among the legal and financial systems and economic growth reveals a complex set of...
Research on the Relationship between Financial Development and Real Economic Growth in Qinghai Province With the acceleration of the process of economic financialization, the financial industry has become an important force in the development of China's natio... J Ma - International Conference on ...