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2021年,China Finance and Economic Review继续欢迎宏观经济运行和政策分析领域的投稿,同时欢迎广大读者、作者向编辑部推荐具有国际前沿学术水平和展现中国经济问题的已刊发或原创文章,经专家评审后符合我刊刊发要求文章,经作者同意并按照编辑部要求进行调整后,由我刊翻译成英文后在China Finance and Economic Review发表,...
《中国财政与经济研究(英文版)》(China Finance and Economic Review,简称CFER)(季刊)创刊于2012年,是由中国社会科学院主管、中国社会科学院财经战略研究院、社会科学文献出版社主办的英文经济学学术季刊,国内外公开发行。本刊一直以中国宏观经济运行与政策分析为主要研究对象,覆盖宏观经济、财政、金融、国际贸易、产业经...
China Finance and Economic Review is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. China Finance and Economic Review accepts the following types of article: Articles. You will be guided through the whole submission and publishing process. Our journal offers: • ...
The China Finance and Economic Review is a general-interest peer-reviewed economics journal with a special focus on economic issues. Sponsored by National Academy of Economic Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the CFER aims to promote high quality and innovative economic research and to ...
China Finance and Economic Review will cease to be published by SpringerOpen as of 30th November 2017. The journal will continue in cooperation with a new ...
1.Prospects for China’s economic development in the next decade 机译:未来十年中国经济发展前景 作者:Shantong Li;Sanmang Wu;Jianwu He 期刊名称:《China Finance and Economic Review》 | 2013年第1期 2.Scientific development and a new green deal 机译:科学发展与绿色新协议 作者:Xiaoxi Li 期刊...
About the journal China Finance and Economic Review is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. China Finance and Economic Review accepts the following types of article: Articles. Please note that this journal o
China’sEconomyandFinance ZPQ OUTLINE Ⅰ.OverviewofChina’sEconomyin2007Ⅱ.OverviewofChina’sFinancialSystem Ⅰ.OverviewofChina’sEconomyin2007 1.TheGeneralNationalEconomyin20072.AgriculturalProductionKeptaSteadyGrowthwithaBumperGrainHarvest.3.IndustrialProductionIncreasedRapidlywithImprovedEconomicReturns.4.Fast...
Finance is the blood of the real economy. At present, China's economy is turning to the stage of high-quality development, which requires a comprehensive and open modern financial system as a support. Through the overall utilization of "two markets and two resources", we should introduce high...