L'équipe de Final Fantasy XIV a annoncé aujourd'hui que la mise à jour 7.1 du MMORPG, Crossroads, sera lancée le 12... Actualités FFXIV 7.1 : des images de l’épopée, du nouveau donjon et du raid Jérémie24 octobre 20240 Le site officiel de la mise à jour 7.1 de Final Fa...
Eine neue Raid-Serie: Das Arkadion. Neue Allianz-Raid-Serie: Echos aus Vana'diel, ein Crossover mit FINAL FANTASY XI. Neuer umfangreicher Lifestyle-Inhalt: Kosmo-Erkundung. Großes Grafik-Update. Willkommen in Eorzea Eine Welt voller Abenteuer wartet auf dich. ...
Learn the encounters -In Final Fantasy XIV, Bosses have distinct attack/ mechanic patterns they follow. Memorizing these patterns will make you much better at dealing with them efficiently. If you know the timings, you will know when to focus on movement or defenses and when to pop offensive ...
Novità di FINAL FANTASY XIV Online La Patch 7.1 di FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail è ora disponibile! La patch 7.1 Crossroads offre nuove missioni dello scenario principale, un attesissimo crossover FFXI a 24 giocatori per il raid dell'alleanza "Echoes of Vana'diel", nuove prove, un nuovo ...
Final Fantasy XIV: Seekers Of Eternity Features New Dungeon, Raid, And Much More The post-Dawntrail era in Final Fantasy XIV begins in March with a new dungeon and a lot more options. By Blair Marnell on February 7, 2025 at 10:44AM PST Comments...
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood will add new raids and dungeons for adventurers to challenge themselves in. Interdimensional Rift-Omega This 8 Person raid will be focused around Omega. In Final Fantasy XIV lore, Omega was hired initially by the Allagan Empire to capture Bahamut, a legendary dreadwy...
Choose your race, clan, and gender as you freely customise your appearance down to the finest detail! PARTY BATTLE Join forces with your friends to overcome countless challenges and share the glory! Form parties with other adventurers, raid dungeons, and defeat monsters together! Choose the conten...
• Nouveau raid à difficulté élevée • Nouvelle série de raids en alliance : « Échos de Vana’diel », réalisée en collaboration avec FINAL FANTASY XI • Nouveau job restreint lors des mises à jour 7.x • Nouveau contenu détente ...
Follow the on-screen instructions to start the game. Play! Enjoy the FINAL FANTASY XIV Free Trial. View the System Requirements Start your adventure in FFXIV today! Play the Free Trial AWARDS Experience an evolving world that has won over 200 awards across the globe! BACK TO TOP...
Grand Cross Delta: Raidwide damage that applies Cursed Shriek, Forked Lightning, Death Wave, Acceleration Bomb, Beyond Death, and Off-balance to various targets. Earth Shaker: Heavy-hitting cone damage on top two threat targets. Vacuum Wave: Big knockback close to the boss. ...