Final Fantasy XIV Online: Stormblood is included in the free trial. Download free trial Features: Two new DPS jobs offer new gameplay experiences in Stormblood: the noble samurai and the rapier-wielding red mage. Form an eight-player group of fellow adventurers and uncover the mysteries of Omega...
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail - Collector’s Edition [PS4 & PS5] PS5PS4 Add-On PackFINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail [PS4 & PS5] $72.95 TicketFINAL FANTASY XIV - PlayStation®Plus Reward: Aetheryte Additional Free Destination (Jan. - Mar.) ...
Complete Installation Check the box if you wish to create a shortcut on your desktop, then click "Finish" to complete the installation. * For instructions on how to log into and begin playing the game, please refer to the Play Guide found on the community site,The Lodestone....
最终幻想14最新版本(Final Fantasy XIV) 最终幻想14中文版(Final Fantasy XIV)终于出到了5.0版本暗影之逆焰,算是网游里唯一个逆势增长的rpg游戏啦,评分超高的支持30小时试玩的点卡收费作品,一直在推陈出新、打造游玩的绝对平衡,素质可与魔兽世界相持,强推!
PC DownloadMac Edition: Complete Edition Hurry! Onlyleft Quantity: For newcomers to FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, this edition includes the base game (A Realm Reborn) and all expansions through Dawntrail, plus a 30-day free play period*
FINAL FANTASY XIV Online 类型:搞怪/破解/高清 大小: 140 GB 2025-01-24 14:25:58 电脑版下载高速下载 使用应用宝下载安全绿色更放心游戏内容 加入全球超过3000万冒险者,参与一场史诗般的、不断变化的《最终幻想》。体验难忘的故事、令人振奋的战斗,以及无数迷人的环境供你探索。用户评分 特别好评(83%) ...
A Final Fantasy XIV 4.0+ Server Emulator written in C++ emulatorserverfinal-fantasyserver-emulatorfinal-fantasy-xivsapphireffxivheavenswardstormbloodxiva-realm-reborn UpdatedJan 17, 2025 C++ marzent/XIV-on-Mac Star357 Wine Wrapper, Setup tool and launcher for FFXIV on mac ...
Final Fantasy XIV features multiple expansion packs, allowing players to continue the epic story and travel beyond the borders of Eorzea to new locations across Hydaelyn. Try out new jobs, face fierce new enemies, and grow stronger as you level up and obtain new, powerful equipment. ...