FINAL FANTASY XIII 正式登陸 Windows! FINAL FANTASY XIII 是一款奇幻角色扮演遊戲,主角們在空中的理想國「繭」和原始世界「脈衝」之間勇敢挑戰命運。和帥氣的女主角雷光一起踏入神秘新世界,享受快節奏戰鬥和精彩冒險吧!
FINAL FANTASY VII, the timeless classic loved by a legion of fans, comes to Xbox One with a number of helpful extra features! Experience the return of an epic adventure beyond imagination, culminating in the final battle to decide the fate of the planet.
FINAL FANTASY XIII 正式登陸 Windows! FINAL FANTASY XIII 是一款奇幻角色扮演遊戲,主角們在空中的理想國「繭」和原始世界「脈衝」之間勇敢挑戰命運。和帥氣的女主角雷光一起踏入神秘新世界,享受快節奏戰鬥和精彩冒險吧!
Three years after the fateful events of FINAL FANTASY XIII, a young man named Noel appears to deliver a message to Serah: “Come with me on a journey across time and space, beyond which she is waiting.” Determined to save her one and only sister, Serah clutches the weapon bestowed upon...
FINAL FANTASY XIII comes to Windows! Final Fantasy XIII is a fantasy RPG in which a band of brave humans struggle against fate in the utopian sky city of Cocoon and the primeval world of Pulse. Follow stylish heroine Lightning's fast paced battles and
Three years after the fateful events of FINAL FANTASY XIII, a young man named Noel appears to deliver a message to Serah: “Come with me on a journey across time and space, beyond which she is waiting.” Determined to save her one and only sister, Serah clutches the weapon bestowed upon...
英文名称:Final Fantasy XIII-2 游戏语言:中文/英文/日文 开发厂商:Square Enix 发行厂商:SCE 发行...
Xbox360《最终幻想13-2 Final Fantasy XIII-2》中文版GOD下载,下面为大家带来的是经典角色扮演游戏最终幻想系列,相信大家一定都不陌生,赶快来试试吧。 《最终幻想13-2》游戏发生在《最终幻想13》结尾,雷霆与众团队拯救了“茧”之后的数年。此刻,哪里都找不到雷霆,大部分都认为她已经挂了。不过她的妹妹塞拉不这...
13回复贴,共1页 <返回xbox360吧Final Fantasy XIII-2 X Prada 请看! 只看楼主收藏回复 rockstargamer 盒心政委 12 送TA礼物 1楼2012-04-05 12:00回复 UFO5432 盒心政委 12 啊呜~我喜欢!!! 2楼2012-04-05 12:11 回复 rockstargamer 盒心政委 12 喜欢哪款?~ 3楼2012-04-05 12:...
Final Fantasy XIII is a fantasy RPG in which a band of brave humans struggle against fate in the utopian sky city of Cocoon and the primeval world of Pulse. Follow stylish heroine Lightning's fast paced battles and high adventure in a mysterious new worl