In FINAL FANTASY XIII, players will embark on an awe-inspiring journey through the floating cityworld of Cocoon and the savage lowerworld of Pulse, encountering a diverse band of would-be allies along the way. With seamless transitions between real-time gameplay and in-game cinematics, and an ...
《最终幻想13:雷霆归来》(Lightning Returns:Final Fantasy XIII)是SE社出品的日本国民RPG游戏《最终幻想》第13部正统续作《最终幻想13》的最新续作,作为挽救即将被毁灭世界拯救者的雷霆将在四个主要场景展开征程。昨日我们已经通过日文杂志扫图得知另一新战场——“死亡沙丘”,而现在我们将欣赏的是杂志中大大小小图报...
英文名称:Final Fantasy XIII-2 游戏语言:中文/英文/日文 开发厂商:Square Enix 发行厂商:SCE 发行...
Xbox360《最终幻想13 Final Fantasy XIII》英文版下载,这是著名角色扮演游戏系列最终幻想的13代作品,依然为大家带来了一个精彩的故事,喜欢的话就赶快来体验一下吧。 史克威尔公司在2009年发行的最终幻想13第一部,作为正统的围绕水晶展开的本篇之一,故事拥有现时为止FF系列中拥有最先进文明的未来世界舞台。游戏描绘了...
My Xbox 360 started freezing up last night after a few hours playing Final Fantasy XIII. Either the screen would suddenly go snowy/blank with a bluish-gray tinge, or it would freeze/lock up but keep displaying the last ‘frame’ of whatever was happening. This happened maybe three times, ...
游戏名称:最终幻想13:雷霆归来 英文名称:Lightning Returns : Final Fantasy XIII 游戏类型:角色扮演...
Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox 360) is a listed stock on the simExchange, the video game prediction market where gamers trade virtual stocks in video games to predict how many copies they will sell..
最终幻想XII 下一代单机《最终幻想XIII》在宣传上大量投入资金,忽略了游戏的开发与制作,并将CG画面充当实机画面宣传,宣传PS3独占却登录XBOX 360,在游戏上取消自由探索改为线性的游戏玩法,且剧情和角色设定也饱受争议,使游戏遭受了失败。 而2016年的《最终幻想XV》从2006企划开始,野村哲也开发 Versus XIII 到2013年...
玩法类 因为现实中大部分玩家都是剧情类玩家,这游戏又因为资金(总体而言就是资金问题)没有做成完全版...
Final Fantasy XI, also known as Final Fantasy XI Online, is the franchise's first MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), as well as the eleventh installment in the main series. Final Fantasy XI was the world's first cross-console MMORPG