Support related to Windower, plugins, and windower programs. Not Spellcast! 1243200442 days 1 hr Tarage Spellcast Scripting BardBeast MasterBlack MageBlue MageCorsairDancerDark KnightDragoonGeomancerMonkNinjaOtherPaladinPuppet MasterRangerRed MageRune FencerSamuraiScholarSummonerThiefWarriorWhite Mage18913051 ye...
With version 1.0, most of Final Fantasy VII's graphics have been improved and most of the major kinks have been ironed out. There are still some areas that could use improving. I didn't get around to improving the magical effects textures as there were some roadblocks that prevented me fro...
A windower addon for Final Fantasy XI This addon is supposed to help you on your farming sessions by displaying a segment counter, a resistance table of your current target including cruel joke and on-command maps (maps are work in progress). ...
cnc-ddraw can fix compatibility issues in older 2D (DirectDraw) games, such as black screen, bad performance, crashes or defective Alt+Tab. Adds new features such as borderless mode, windowed mode and upscaling via shaders.
- Transferal of FINAL FANTASY XI Player Character Name to FINAL FANTASY XIV When creating a new FINAL FANTASY XIV character, FINAL FANTASY XI players’ character names will be prioritized. The character’s name will become “Given Name: the Player Character’s name in FINAL FANTASY XI” + “...
General purpose farming tool for Final Fantasy XI. Downloads The newest version of EasyFarm can be found underReleases. EasyFarm is Free Software EasyFarm is free software produced under the GPLv3 license with the goal of producing a first class automation software for Final Fantasy XI that is ...
You can't change the background music of ffxi via regedit. The audio tracks are not simple mp3 files. To change the background music on the pc version you use an external add-on named windower, which doesn't work under CX, or at least it didn't work back then when I used to play...
Support related to Windower, plugins, and windower programs. Not Spellcast! 1,24220,0065 hrs 6 mins Shiva.Thorny Spellcast Scripting BardBeast MasterBlack MageBlue MageCorsairDancerDark KnightDragoonGeomancerMonkNinjaOtherPaladinPuppet MasterRangerRed MageRune FencerSamuraiScholarSummonerThiefWarriorWhite Mage...
Windower General Anything not support related. 5218,8794 days 11 hrs Valefor.Keylesta News Important Windower news and plugin updates 302,3973 weeks 1 day Valefor.Philemon Support Support related to Windower, plugins, and windower programs. Not Spellcast!
Windower General Anything not support related. 5218,8794 days 8 hrs Valefor.Keylesta News Important Windower news and plugin updates 302,3973 weeks 1 day Valefor.Philemon Support Support related to Windower, plugins, and windower programs. Not Spellcast!