FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION Includes all of the exciting content released as part of continuous game updates (Chapter 13 alternate route, off-road Regalia customisation, character swap feature and more!). And comes with all of content released in the Season Pass - Episode Gladiolus, Episode...
FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION 本次除了遊戲主線之外,還收錄了家用主機版配布的6個下載內容和大量的道具以及免費的更新數據。甚至追加收錄了通往遊戲終章的全新地圖,以主角視角戰鬥的第一人稱模式等多種新增要素。 主線:‧FINAL FANTASY XV 新增要素:
FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION 本次除了遊戲主線之外,還收錄了家用主機版配布的6個下載內容和大量的道具以及免費的更新數據。甚至追加收錄了通往遊戲終章的全新地圖,以主角視角戰鬥的第一人稱模式等多種新增要素。 主線:‧FINAL FANTASY XV 新增要素:
FINAL FANTASY XIII SG$21.10 LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII SG$25.13 Wolfenstein: Youngblood (PC) SG$26.25+ Yakuza Kiwami for Windows 10 SG$27.75 Yakuza Kiwami 2 for Windows 10 SG$27.75+ Wolfenstein II: Standard Edition SG$54.00+ Prey SG$40.50+ DRAGON QUEST® XI S: Echoes of an ...
No, Final Fantasy XIII is not currently available on either Xbox Game Pass or PC Game Pass. When did Final Fantasy XIII release on Windows? Final Fantasy XIII was released on September 2nd, 2021. How long does it take to complete all the achievements in Final Fantasy XIII ? It takes betw...
《F1 2014》是由Codemaster工作室制作发行的经典竞速赛车游戏,本作的精力会集中在新增新款车型,车手和赛道上,并对以前的内容进行高品质细化。 【配置要求】 最低配置: 系统: Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 CPU : Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.4Ghz or AMD Athlon X2 5400+ ...
DX : DirectX Version 9.0c 硬盘: 500 MB available space 推荐配置: 系统: Windows Vista, 7, 8 CPU : 2 GHz Dual Core 内存: 2 GB RAM 显卡: NVIDIA GeForce GT 640 DX : DirectX Version 9.0c 硬盘: 500 MB available space 【预告欣赏】 【游戏截图】...
Final Fantasy XV 15 Windows Edition PC ¥ 103.09 添加到收藏夹 立即购买 -79% Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition PC ¥ 79.69 添加到收藏夹 立即购买 -25% No Man's Sky PC ¥ 281.39 添加到收藏夹 立即购买 信息 通过CDKeys.com获得即时下载 ...
Final Fantasy XIII is a fantasy RPG in which a band of brave humans struggle against fate in the utopian sky city of Cocoon and the primeval world of Pulse. Follow stylish heroine Lightning's fast paced battles and high adventure in a mysterious new worl
FINAL FANTASY XIII 正式登陸 Windows! FINAL FANTASY XIII 是一款奇幻角色扮演遊戲,主角們在空中的理想國「繭」和原始世界「脈衝」之間勇敢挑戰命運。和帥氣的女主角雷光一起踏入神秘新世界,享受快節奏戰鬥和精彩冒險吧!