《Apex 英雄》X..在游戏界掀起巨浪的PGSOFT游戏大奖 2023,近日为玩家们带来了一则令人振奋的消息:备受期待的合作项目《Apex 英雄》与《Final Fantasy VII 重生》即将实现前所未有的跨次元碰撞!
在游戏界掀起巨浪的PGSOFT游戏大奖 2023,近日为玩家们带来了一则令人振奋的消息:备受期待的合作项目《Apex 英雄》与《Final Fantasy VII 重生》即将实现前所未有的跨次元碰撞! EA今日正式公开了合作详细内容,并首度释出预告影片,让玩家们一睹为快。 自《Apex 英雄》与《Final Fantasy VII 重生》宣布合作以来,两大...
APEX英雄×最终幻想联动周边礼盒内容: ● “尼斯水怪”和“莫古利”毛绒玩偶*1 ● “尼斯水怪”和“莫古利”亚克力立牌*1 ● Nessie&Moggle T恤*1 ●《APEX Legends》与《Final Fantasy VII - SiongApex-GoTop战队于20240129发布在抖音,已经收获了241.8万个喜欢,来抖音
press release states. "For three weeks of infinite possibilities, the FINAL FANTASY VII Takeover will replace the unranked battle royale mode in Apex Legends. In this exciting new mode, players can wield the Buster Sword R2R5 to dash, block bullets, unleash a powerful Limit Break, and more....
in any mode. Unlike a Collection Event, there’s a chance to get the Buster Sword R5 in every Event pack you open†. The Apex Legends & FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH Event brings two gaming icons to the same universe from January 9-30, 2024. So gather your crew and drop in, merc...
announcement of theApexxFinal Fantasycollaborationat The Game Awards, and no one really knew exactly what to expect from the event. Well, now we know it’s more than a couple of skins: It’s a full-blown event with an LTM, full event cosmetics, and the game’s first universal Heirloom...
Lunar Rebirth event will see the return of Apex's Final Fantasy-themed limited-time mode, which features various types of Materia that players can collect to give their Legend special powers and abilities. Additionally, the iconic a Buster Sword will once again join the loot pool to help pla...
Now Playing:Apex Legends & FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH Event Trailer "And certainly as we were in what was a very, very competitive quarter, there were a couple of competitive titles that actually did some really unique and interesting things in the quarter. And so the perfor...
Re: About Final Fantasy and Apex co-branded boxes January 2024by EA_Lanna Original Post yiqioshi ★★★ Newbie 我买了四个由你和最终幻想链接的盒子。我只打开了两个,想过打开两个,但是当我回到主页后,我看不到或找到我的最后两个盒子。我想知道这是怎么回事。我希望你能帮我弄清楚。
Final Fantasy VII Rebirthis heading toApex Legendsin a massive limited-time crossover event beginning on January 9th, 2024. During this crossover event players will be able to use the Buster Sword R2R5 inApex Legends, along with Materia hop ups all while sporting a wide range of...