APEX英雄×最终幻想联动周边礼盒内容: ● “尼斯水怪”和“莫古利”毛绒玩偶*1 ● “尼斯水怪”和“莫古利”亚克力立牌*1 ● Nessie&Moggle T恤*1 ●《APEX Legends》与《Final Fantasy VII - SiongApex-GoTop战队于20240129发布在抖音,已经收获了241.8万个喜欢,来抖音
Apex Legends™ summons FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH to the Outlands for its first-ever Crossover Event, proving limits are made to be broken! A new event joins the party, as FINAL FANTASY™ VII Takeover replaces unranked BR. Defy destiny with the Buster Sword R2R5, with new abilities ...
Now Playing:Apex Legends: Lunar Rebirth Collection Event Trailer This isn't thethe first time Apex has hosted a Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth event--Respawn hosted a similar event in early 2024. Like the previous event, Lunar Rebirth event will see the return of Apex's Final Fantasy-themed l...
Now Playing:Apex Legends & FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH Event Trailer "And certainly as we were in what was a very, very competitive quarter, there were a couple of competitive titles that actually did some really unique and interesting things in the quarter. And so the perfor...
在游戏界,跨界合作已成为一种趋势,为玩家们带来了前所未有的游戏体验。 在今年一月,APEX英雄与最终幻想7宣布展开合作,为玩家们带来了一场别开生面的联动活动! 在这篇介绍中,我们将着重介绍这次联动活动的限定模式,带领大家深入了解其魅力所在。 全新限时联动模式,特殊玩法快乐加倍!
But the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth event was super cool—and as a temporary event, that was a great thing for us to go after and try to shake up the experience, which makes for an interesting moment in time for the game.” Plenty more features lay within the Apex Legends scrapyard of ...
完整的《Apex Legends》和《FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH》活动包†概率、四包保证和游戏中提供的定价详细信息。在活动结束前完成您的 Apex Legends 和 FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH 系列,您将自动收到单翼天使死亡盒子 - Apex Legends 的全新装饰物品,任何传奇人物都可以通过新的大厅近战选项卡进行装备。 Alex...
Whether prompted by Square’s announcement or just because everybody on the internet is constantly looking for upvotes and likes some recent game art from theApex Legends and Final Fantasy VIIcollab has come under scrutiny for potentially using an AI art generator. ...
Das Apex Legends & FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH Event vereint vom 9. bis 30. Januar 2024 zwei legendäre Spiele in einem Universum. Also sammle deine Crew und springe ab, Söldner:in. Lies die vollständige Übersicht über das Eventhierin unserem Apex Legends & FINAL FANTASY...
Apex Legends: Lunar Rebirth Collection Event Trailer Celebrate Lunar New Year with a cosmic twist, as Materia from the FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH Event returns via Rift Relics. Wield the devastating Buster Sword and equip Hop-Ups to ... ...