059 Creating a movie trailer title in Motion, part 4 060 Expanding 3D text with third-party templates 061 Next steps 教程介绍 课程视频下载 专辑分类: 其他后期软件教程 :其他 文件总数:59集 4K 15人已学习 Lynda - Final Cut Pro X Guru Titles and Effects (updated Oct 05, 2016) ...
Easily add 2D and 3D titles to your 360° video and apply blurs, glows, and other 360° effects. Or create more advanced 360° motion graphics in Motion, then add them directly to your Final Cut Pro project. You can even add 360° video to standard projects, using the Tiny Planet eff...
.moef 扩展名是 Final Cut 效果,对应的文件夹是:【Effects】效果 .motn 扩展名是 Final Cut 发生器,对应的文件夹是:【Generators】发生器 .moti 扩展名是 Final Cut 标题,对应的文件夹是:Titles【标题】 .motr 扩展名是 Final Cut 转场,对应的文件夹是:Transitions 转场 安装好后,重启FCPX就可以看到新安装的...
Final Cut Pro X v.10.1 is a major new update from Apple. So, wewent back to the drawing board and totally redesigned all our videotraining. All new movies with all new training. More focused. Morecomplete. Yet, with our trademark conversational approach, in-depthcoverage and sense of humo...
FCPX插件-Final Cut Pro 10种视频画面故障干扰毛刺失真特效 Glitch Effects 117 -- 0:24 App FCPX插件-Final Cut Pro 漂亮简单文字标题擦拭动画 Beautiful Wipe Title 319 -- 0:42 App FCPX插件-Final Cut Pro 10组二维卡通综艺花字气泡贴纸标题动画 Comic Titles 303 -- 1:11 App FCPX插件-Final Cut Pro...
【FCPX导入AE】珍藏后期教育FCP7.com为大家带来最新软件教程。将Final Cut Pro 工程时间线Timeline文件FCPXML导入到AfterEffects里面编辑,实现将FCPX剪辑线导入AE中包装的高效方式。视频后期制作正版软件/工具应用APP:更多教程https://www.FCP7.com/, 视频播放量 910、弹
在Final Cut Pro 中,执行以下一项操作: 在时间线中选择片段,然后选取“片段”>“显示音频动画”(或按下 Control-A)。 按住Control 键点按时间线中的片段并选取“显示音频动画”。 如果要添加仅用于音量调整的关键帧,请转到步骤 4。 位于音频动画编辑器中的每个效果都具有单独的关键帧添加区域。
026 Adjusting cropping - 大小:15m 目录:Lynda - Final Cut Pro X Guru Titles and Effects (updated Oct 05, 2016) 资源数量:59,其他后期软件教程_其他,Lynda - Final Cut Pro X Guru Titles and Effects (updated Oct 05, 2016)/001 Welcome,Lynda - Final Cut Pro X G
New 64-bit architecture uses all the RAM in your system for larger projects and richer effects. The Cocoa foundation makes Final Cut Pro more responsive, interactive, and fun to use. Final Cut Pro taps the GPU on the graphics card and all the cores in your Mac for speed. ...
Customize Final Cut Pro titles, effects, and transitions by opening them in Motion. Create Smart Motion Templates with simple controls for making changes as you edit. Build stunning 2D and 3D compositions with more than 1900 Apple-designed elements. ...